On the 2nd May as Fixed Earth Uranus octiles Mutable Water Neptune
There is always a deeper meaning to the chaos, dissolution and dissipation, even if it feels hard at times to navigate through the uncertainty, bewilderment, confusion, disappointment and sOul weariness, qualities that have been increasingly substantially present in the forefront of your consciousness of late. “Everything is falling apart”; “I can no longer stomach ‘it’”; “I was so certain of my relationship, but now…”; “I have never felt so exhausted…”; “Is it just me, or is everything out of control?”; “Nothing seems solid or real at the moment”… are but just some of the frustrated comments I hear in my consult room on a daily basis over the past few weeks.
Indeed things appear to be in flux in a more lucid manner of late but then in times before a penetrating change, reality is always loosened so that you can ‘see’ more clearly the truth of the reality you live within, the health of your sOul, the quality of the interactions that you have engaged in, and the way in which you have given yourself permission to be ‘fed’, thereby enabling you to let go your attachment to many of the illusory distractions that have kept you anchored and your sOul bound to addiction, dependency and suffering.
It is a truly remarkable time of accelerated growth as our world has become more pliable, less rigid and less bound by the conventions that have previously defined it. Those invested in the old paradigm are engaged in a futile, yet destructive, battle to maintain their position whilst the quiet grassroots movement of a more inclusive, holistic and ‘leadership-from-within’ paradigm gathers momentum. The chaos that you feel is partially a consequence of countless years of being training to look without and ignore within creating a massive ‘disconnect’ between your mind and sOul as you have been encouraged not to trust yourself, to listen to your body and to engage in the pursuit of ‘stuff’, ‘things’, ‘busyness’, ‘success’ and ‘the perfect relationship’. You know that is not true and now that you/we are listening, your/our reality is dissolving as you/ we prepare for the next stage of your/ our emergence.
As you/ we prepare for the second of seven rebirths of your/ our awareness that Nature/ your body/ your world is immanent and meaningful on the 4th May, it is time to turn inwards and to truly listen to what you ‘truly’ need/ what Nature ‘truly’ needs. Ignoring the dissolution is impossible but remember, the light always feels diffuse just before the dawn…
Andrew Smith © 2019
Art by Meghan Verma