The Venus Diaries on the 20th June as Venus continues to approach her opposition to Mars during the Uranus-Neptune octile
Within this limbic space as the Veil thins, the fabric of what is ‘real’ is being dissolved, and truth is seeping out from within well-constructed protective walls, remember that discernment is not judgement. It may look like that from the without, but it is not. Yes, each sOul has multiple scripts and patterns that need addressing, healing and integration. Yes, each sOul has an ability to raise their awareness and manifest their scripts from a more conscious perspective. But not everyone will choose to do that. Some will choose, despite the support they receive, to continue to perpetuate their addiction to pain and suffering; to greed and vanity; to power and pride; and to anger and revenge. Some people will continue to talk up an incredible life but live an entirely different one; some will also appear to believe in great spiritual truths but when it comes down to it, their Shadow has them enslaved and they don’t live from those truths when they deal with those they love.
And as the mirror is being placed in right in front of you and of us, the tension between the life that is valued and the life that is lived is striking. This could be upsetting if you continue to cling to the notion that beneath the pain lurks someone who is a nice person, just lost. But now is the time to ask, have you been here before; have you been shown this truth before; and are you perpetuating Einstein’s definition of insanity?!!
It is not judgement of another if you need to pull back from those of a differing consciousness (not value system); it is not judgement if you decide that your worth and esteem is being continually pummelled by self-similar situations, even if you are doing the ‘work’. Sometimes discernment means understanding the lesson you need to integrate, seeing how the external world has provided you with a mirror to reflect back at you that lesson and then making conscious choices to continue with, or step away from, those people who arose to ‘help’ you learn.
Awareness or confrontation; discernment or judgement are the keys to the coming days, as your values are tested and you are being prompted to make a decisive decision as to move on from, or to continue to move on with, those who no longer resonate at the same level as you.
Andrew Smith © 2018
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