Fixed Water Venus starts to retrace her steps
As the twilight spreads silently over the land, the sky darkening and the gentle white lights appear in heaven’s carpet, she senses His presence. Inside she feels a growing sense of the inevitable as the slope down increases, the path straightens and time quickens.
‘It is time’, she hears a quiet voice whisper inside her head. ‘Let go’.
Images of love forgotten, love broken, love found, love experienced flash across her mind’s eye filling her heart with both joy and remorse.
His voice. His presence. She feels safe. The distress drains from her body and soul. She feels gently held by Him. She has not felt that since the 25th March, 18 months ago, when she awoke from a similar semi-comatosed slumber, rejuvenated and re-invigorated. Excited with the possibility of rekindling her heart again, she sees that her way forward has but one route! To surrender and embrace the burgeoning twilight!
Mirroring Venus’ decent into her embrace with Sol on the 26th October, you too have the opportunity to you are prompted to travel alone within your Dark so that you can face yourself and humbly strip yourself of your feminine ego; to seek atonement and ultimately raising the consciousness of your femininity to a level that better enables you to fully embrace your feminine Light. The question is – What has your heart-consciousness learnt during this past eighteen months?
What have you truly learnt? Will you forgive, let go, let be, let your heart become vulnerable and open it fully? Will you truly integrate all that you have experienced, so that you can get off this ever perpetual Wheel? Will you continue to lOve openly, honestly, truly and ardently?
17 days to release and renovatio …
Andrew Smith ©2018
Image by pinkparis1233 on Deviantart
Author: Andrew Smith
https://www.andrewsmith.ieAstrology has been my sole source of income, my way of being and the way that I live since discovering it on the 17th Jan 1993. Self-taught, I did sojourn with a correspondence course with the Faculty of Astrological Studies under the tutorship of Christine Tate-Wheeler, completing three of the four year training modules in a little under a year. However, I never sat the exams due to my commitments to seeing clients and running a school of astrology called The Dublin Astrological Centre.I’ve been ever so fortunate to have attracted people who wanted to work with me from the very beginning of my path and I’ve worked with clients intensely on a daily basis since 1994. I have a varied clientele, located all over the world, and have worked privately with individuals and corporately with business, sports clubs, political parties and religious institutions for over two decades. My practise is based in my office in Blackrock, Dublin, Ireland, from where I write, divine, create and see clients in person or via ZOOM.Until the time of my movement onto my current path, I was reading Geography in Trinity College, Dublin and playing football, two additional passions I still have today. I currently reside in Greystones, Ireland with my family. My life-partner and wife, Karen, walks the same path as an astrologer and we have two children, Sarah and Maya. Together we run the Blue Rose, a school of astrology and spirituality and have students all over the world who download our classes, join in via ZOOM or attend in person.
My focus is evident in my extensive public writing. I am interested in helping people develop a deeper confidence in their commitment to what they lOve and living what they love. And I would lOve to share my passion with you and to work with you concerning what you love.I look forward to working with you.