Fixed Water Venus prepares to enter Transition
Her downward journey continues, her mind wandering around issues of her worth and value, as she seeks to understand what it is within her that has needed to journey with self-deprivation, giving of herself freely to those in her life yet at the same time unable to truly receive from those few sOuls that are able to rise above their own suffering to give to her. What is it within her that has travelled openly with under-valuing herself, despite the insights and knowledge she has hewn from the substantial time spent digging into her ancestral patterns, healing the scripts that she has concerning her family of origin and freeing herself from her cultural and familiar attitudes towards wealth and abundance? The depth of emotion rising during this descent has been immense, as a multitude of past scenarios crash through her heart, as she is shown ALL of the times that she has under-valued herself. A voice rises from within – you are not defined by your past; you are not the person you were; you have healed – this is just the psychic imprint of who you were. You can chose to truly free yourself from those scripts and patterns. The heart-altar is ahead. What you offer up will be released, so that you can move out from this place, refreshed and renewed. Are you prepared to let go? Are you prepared to accept this new path? Are you prepared for the consequences of your freedom and the loss of those in your life that can no longer travel with you?
A chord strikes home, fear rises along with a purposeful conviction as it dawns on her, is she really prepared to live the Path of lOve, knowing that by changing her perception of herself and her heart, that she will need to leave behind the familiar to embrace the unfamiliar? She can feel the burden of that decision, but something within compels her to journey on…
The altar awaits…
Andrew Smith © 2018
Art by Jacky Gerritsen