The 5th January as Fixed Water Venus trines Mutable Water Chiron
Despite being trained to live within a monochrome world – you have a single life purpose (unchanging and ever constant); you will meet the One and live harmoniously and happily; will have a place in the world that best suits you; you will have the career that will meet your needs throughout your life; and you are to never waiver with your personality, choosing to only express yourself in a confident, uplifted and industrious subservient manner – your day is multifaceted; your personality is multifaceted; your emotions are multifaceted; and your sOul is multifaceted. You navigate emotional, social, physical and metaphysical challenges from the time you wake up until the time you retire at the end of your day. You deal with a diversity of similarly multifaceted people, each of whom has their own inner universe, rules, expectations, inspirations, aspirations, intentions, experiences and psycho-spiritual conundrums, and yet you are expected to be ever constant with each and every one of those sOuls. You deal with cultural, societal, religious, academic and economic projections, prejudices and judgements, whilst all the time trying hard not to project your own conscious and unconscious bias and assumptions as you try to honour the awareness you have that everyone you interact with has a vast hidden inner world and that all the eye see’s is not true. And you wonder why you get confused and upset from time to time, thinking that you have done something wrong, that your values are misaligned or that you have to heal more? The time of the monochrome is waning as the Age of Polychromatic consciousness starts to wax – an age that honours the kaleidoscope of colours that exists, simultaneously, within you, and not just those sociably acceptable bright, vibrant colours. This weekend, why not reach out to all those drawn into your world and share with them more of your multifaceted world, as opposed to presenting to them what you think is the appropriate colour/ face/ conversation to have. They are also in a state of deep processing. Trust me on that. So why not reach across the bridge that links your inner, numinous heart with your outer, presentable heart and share openly about how you feel, without any expectation of an immediate response. You may be surprised at what you receive and how deep the medicine reaches.
Andrew Smith © 2019
Artwork – no known source