Fixed Water Venus squares the Fixed Air Saturn/Neptune midpoint
9 and 28 days to go…
The heart loves and lOves, longs and lOngs, connects and cOnnects, and this can be confusing for the egO that hungers after a simple love that is kind, present, tangible and comforting yet is perpetually battling to remain open and present as you try your hardest to discern and not judge…; to be fully present, even in times of strife when your heart is commandeered by deep desires, hungers and agendas…; to deeply appreciate those things that towards the end of your life you know you will remember the most – those tiny gestures, pottering around with their presence in the background, hearing their voice, hanging out, going for a short walk, watching a movie you couldn’t care much for just because you can and they want to…; to work through all your heart scripts without projection or expectation…; to remain open even though you cut, you bruise, you hurt…
You know that this love is hard and that lOve is at times forgotten, even though it remains present, silently beckoning you to look at the bigger picture, to see through the drama and the processing, to feel the sOul of another, to know that of the billions of incarnate souls that you have connected and walked together, no matter how briefly in the overall scheme of your lives and that you have given something sacred to each other, something that no one else can, so that you can jOurney towards wholeness, healing and lOve.
As your heart prepares for its re-birth, as your heart is readying itself with deep, reflective retrospection, as your heart is now able to see love through the lens of lOve and is conscious that as the Wheel spins and the landscape appears to change, the echo of the sOul could guide you back to the familiar to learn what was previously missed, to repeat the same experiences until you truly learn, the question of whether you got caught up with your process, scripts and agendas distracted you from truly experiencing lOve, preventing you from spending quality time when you could and missing those little things where lOve truly resides. As the end draws near and death offers a sharp nostalgic perspective, remember that lOve is not something intangible and elusive, nor can it be owned or given as a reward for the work you have put into healing those deep scars. lOve is here and now and can lift love up, completing you and helping you understand that lOve has always been here and now.
Andrew Smith © 2018
Photo uncredited and unsourced