Away from the deeper implications of this time in our collective her/history, the opportunity to truly grow and make more conscious your path has never been so abundant. There is so much to activate you; so many ways in which you can continue to be enslaved to those base impulses that create division, isolation, judgement and lack compassion or awareness.
“I will never forgive them because they don’t care enough about me or society”, in response to someone not wearing a face covering. But perhaps they have a medical condition, pass out regularly from heat flushing when they don’t get enough oxygen or were traumatised by being previously gagged and bound?
“They’re a sheep that does not question the powers that be” in response to wearing a face covering”. But perhaps they have a serious medical condition and are in fear or concerned about their own well-being?
The list is endless these days.
Yet, a simple truth exists – when you have a highly charged emotional response to someone or something, that is disproportionate to the situation, then something within needs is crying out to be acknowledged, made conscious and therefore healed.
Reflecting on what is it exactly that is triggering me and asking where does it come from; how often do I react similarly in analogous situations; or what am I gaining from reacting in this manner, (after all you always gain something regardless of whether it is painful or joy filled), is the first step in healing unkind reactions. Making those unconscious, or knew-jerk, responses conscious, is what we do to become more conscious, less judgemental and engage in a more compassionate, understanding and tolerant being.
Those triggers are acute this weekend and over the coming days, so just remember, we do not truly know why people are the way that they are. Like you, they are on a journey to becoming more conscious. Kindness is the only path, even if you are being intensely triggered, judged, misunderstood or on the receiving end of someone else’s fear and anger.
Meditation on Venus conjoined Mercury in Fixed Earth (Taurus), in square to Saturn in Fixed Air (Aquarius) on the 25th of April
Art by Autumn Skye Art