The 9th of January as Venus is conceived as the embryonic Morning Star in Cardinal Earth
Conceived from sound
Within you the faint embryonic fluttering of hope and joy silently grows from the decrescendo whispers of her birthing on sister.
Quivering with anticipation and excitement to create upon a canvas, beckoning to be filled afresh with the unconditional creations of your heart;
A New heart chapter dawns
Unbound and free from the constraints of your recent emotional past,
Anxiety and fear have no ground to root in this place of infinite possibility.
As you wake from your slumber, on this fecund Sun-morn, something feels different. It is as if the disappointment of the collective response to the opportunity to step away from its own ego driven values last March has vaporised, as a feeling that something has shifted in the collective heart-light has been building over the past month. Maybe the heart is tiring of the immature imposition of righteous judgement stemming from an incorporeal collusion with an unwavering, hypnotic, rhythm arising from a fearful source; or perhaps the heart is jaded from the psychic violence pervading a dissonant society.
But something has shifted.
Not yet fully embodied, a new heart-based ideal has been seeded and now gestates. Conceived within the time of the architect, the nascent potential to bring new conditions of being into manifestation is Her charge. Those conditions are Heart-based, as She is the Light to guide us in this Dawn. Unlike her sister, conceived on the 3rd of June 2020, whose purpose was to open our hearts to the reality of how we communicate – what we listen to, what we talk about, how we interact with those of similar and dissimilar ideals – a more embodied heart from which she creates her, and our, reality is the deeper intention of what this conception entails.
No longer focused on discussion or theory, the potential of this new Venus-star point cycle revolves around the lived experience of the heart. If you, for example, truly believe in love, do you embody that feeling in every facet of your life, especially within times of pain and suffering or in connections wherein the values starkly differ?
Remembering that the external conditions that surround you are a reflection a deeper facet of your inner world, imagine what your world would feel like, over the coming 9 months, if what is in your heart is implicitly created in your world? Imagine if instead of creating from fear, entitlement or anxiety, you created from a place of love, what that would generate for you?
That is what is on offer for you, and for us, on this Sun-morn, as this moment is the time from which a new Heart-Light is born
Andrew Smith © 2022
Image Credit –Annie Haslam