The New Moon in Cardinal Earth
23rd December 2022 at 10:17 GMT, Dublin, Ireland
This place felt vaguely familiar. As far as the mind can perceive, row, upon row of book cases, infinitely towering over the spectral Little Spirit. Parchment, scroll, tablet, yellowed leafed, freshly white, hard copy, soft – books, filled with eons of wisdom. Amidst the penetrating silence, a quiet table beckons, bathed in a gentle light. As Little Spirit eases towards a welcoming upright armchair, she notices that there is no floor beneath her, only a swirling vortex trailing down into the starry cosmos. Above her is a single source of pulsing light.
She hears a voice inside her essence.
It is nearly time
Within the endless light the voice was like a pillar of fire within the heart of a candle flame. The words danced like sparks filling Little Spirit with immeasurable heat, joy and love.
Choose your path
Scroll upon scroll momentarily materialised in front of her and in a flash, absorbed into her Being. As Little Spirit awareness is filled with Knowledge, a thin circular disc in the vortex appears. Filled with curiosity Little Spirit floats toward eddy. Filled with countless individual grains of light, sparkling and shimmering like crystals, as they twinkled like stars, the swirl is irresistible.
You must choose
Flitting from granule to granule, some compellingly drew Little Spirit towards them; others either repelled or were simply ignored. Peering into the fathomless and holographic depth of one particular crystal Little Spirit could feel a rush of excitement as Awareness was filled by flashes of faces, memories of people, places and sounds that felt so familiar, yet so alien, since here in the Hall of Light there is no form or no substance; no sensation or experience; no desire or longing. It just is.
The Long Room, Trinity College Dublin
Are you sure?
Imbued instantaneously with innumerable sights, Little Spirit sees –a watery blue sphere surrounded by an inky dark blue canopy peppered with jewels of light; a brilliant yellow Sun rising majestically over a lush and fertile forest; rivers, water sparkling under the Sun; clouds floating, ebbing and flowing in a bright blue sky.
Don’t forget where you come from
The vision changed and her awareness was filled with a cacophony of sound – the high melodic chirping of the wrens, the cawing of the crows, the joyous trill of the sparrows as they speedily flit up and down in an open meadow. Other songs of nature melodically fill the void – the creaking of trees, blowing gently in a light breeze, the rustle of the sun kissed leaves, brilliantly reflecting the white sunlight of a modestly cloud filled sky, the sudden flutter of wings as a bird alights from its perch in search of a mate or food.
A mate. Little Spirit’s awareness was stirred sharply. ‘She’ felt ‘him’. Him? Others exist? The images were like memories, distant yet familiar. She remembered summer storms, rain on her face, cool dampness in the air, warm fires and the taste of food in her mouth.
Food. The exquisite scent of olives and oil and juice rose from a great plate; the taste of the sea and the faint metallic taste of oysters that is washed away by a slow sip of cold white wine. The succulent texture honey as it dissolves in the heat of her mouth. She smiled as she savoured each spoonful, experiencing a growing state of arousal as the living energy is instantly transformed within her. She inhales deeply, soaking up this vitality. How good it feels.
Don’t forget where you come from
Surrounded by a shifting mist, the light seemed to be far away – behind and above – as Little Spirit noticed that she was descending. Within this pale luminosity she could see that she was encased within a harder, fleshy shell. She felt cool. She no longer felt the ever present heat of the light. Something new was flooding through her. Fear.
Do not be afraid. You will always be supported. Help will always be there for you. All that you need is here within you. You are always connected to this place. It is called the Sapra d’Khayeh. Here resides all Truth, the voice faintly whispered.
As the darkness started to envelope her, the Voice trailed away. Further down she descended. Layer upon layer she fell through, each more dense than the previous. Around her stretches away the whole of the universe. The stars. The constellations. The planets.
I must remember
Then there was complete darkness; a warm and gentle darkness; a dreaming water-darkness: the soft safe embrace of the womb.
The pause at the end is merely the pause at the beginning as your heart opens at the close. The waters cascading around you, washing through you, soaking you to your very core, drowning you within a constant stream of memory, bathing you in sound, as your sOul is baptised, enlivened, rejuvenated and replenished after an intense period of strain, effort, tension and toil.
Taking rest for a moment as you emerge from beneath the glistening symphony, the path that was once obscure, fraught with uncertainty is now clearer, as you look back towards where you have come, before taking those very first steps onto new ground, your eye keen with energy and dream, your spirit awakened to the call of the unknown, your heart beating to this new rhythm and all senses eagerly attuned to the world that awaits.
Death is birth
As with death, so too with birth, the waters of the sOul pour forth – the timbre of grief, the cry of lOve, contained in the river of the eye and the chambers of the heart. Cleansing, purifying and healing, those waterfalls carry deep wisdom from memories both distant and near, known and experienced, as opposed to learnt and understood. We are reminded of our origins – from an invisible, yet palatable, known and witnessed place, where love, desire, hunger and connection merge, and where a singular impulse merged to create life. The eternal made manifest, the ethereal becoming real, only our eye can see this world, which opens as the heart is revealed. (Art by Carl Greer)
And so arises tension, confusion, fear and uncertainty to encourage you to call upon the invisible structures of lOve to come to your assistance, to wash you from those binds and to open pathways of possibility by refreshing and activating the invisible light that resides within.
This process is enshrined within the Celtic tradition as the rebirth of the Light, having it fallen through the waters of the heavens from the top of the mountain where it rested at the summer solstice, and remembered by Christians the world over as the birth of the Christos during the time that the Light pauses in Capricorn.
The Earth Matrix
The Earth is literally the matrix wherein the alchemy of consciousness finds form and is the agency through which the creation of our soul’s imagination is shaped. Elemental Earth reflects how Light, or gOd, is expressed within matter.
In other words – at the very core of YOUR being; within the fabric of YOUR cellular structure, you are literally housing the Divine. In the Christian tradition, the birth of the Divine in Matter (Yeshua) is celebrated four days after the Capricorn Solstice, which is the first day wherein the Sun (Light) appears to move again after Her rest at the Turning of the Seasons. Her resumed movement symbolically heralds the rebirth of the Light, or the birth of the Christ.
Filtered through four sieves, the spiritual light having originated within one unified, undifferentiated, conscious source, each pathway of perception is expressed in one of three ways – to create, to anchor and to exchange. The combination of the four lights and the three forms makes up the twelve pathways along which our matrix of reality is constructed.
The Seed of Light
The Cardinal Earth, or Capricorn, matrix is all about planting a seed and creating gOd in matter and it is through the Capricorn pathway that you descend through the spiritual gateway, passing into the physical plane, having prepared your soul for its journey to service humanity, as opposed to your own egoic needs.
Merging the symbolism of the wisdom and compassion of the dolphin (or fish) and the solitary hardiness of the mountain goat, gives us a clue to the deeper meaning of Capricorn – that of the Initiate. The Initiate path is not an easy one, nor is it lightly trodden. However, it is one that has to be undertaken if you seek to return to Source and it involves shedding all attachments to matter, ultimately enabling you to be in the world but not of the world.
Your relationship with Capricorn
Those planetary archetypes contained within this sign, or the house in which Capricorn falls, in your chart are ultimately seeking to go beyond the reality that you have created through your addiction to your physical senses. Mastering the egoic desires of the planets within your Capricornian landscape is the key to releasing your soul from the bondage to form and matter. For example, if you have Mercury within this sign, then part of your journey is to free your mind from the illusion of needing solid and reliable facts in order to make a decision; if you have Mars therein, then the challenge is to see past the desire to prove your value through being a workhorse; if Capricorn is on the cusp of your fourth house, then you can experience the dualism of being both fascinated, and simultaneously repulsed, by your ancestry and culture.
The Task
Whilst conquering your Capricornian mountain is undoubtedly a life time’s task, gaining insight into how you have created reality and the limitations that you may have placed on yourself is something that you can access during this Lunation. The 23rd December 2022 lunation is a Cardinal Lunation, generating an impetus to take action. So I would like to ask you the following questions – what
- action do you need to undertake to create a deeper and more meaningful world?
- would you like to ‘remember’ that will enable you to create something affirmed for your own life?
- Ways can you further develop to help you better serve humanity and re-ignite the spark of Divine lOve within each of us?
And there is no better time than NOW. The Kairos is ripe. The cage that you have been in is cracking open; the lies you have been fed are being exposed; every system that we have created no longer works. Every day you are seeing undeniable changes, evidence of the Tempest of Transition. The system has kept you busy, worried, anxious and fearful; it is intentionally superficial; and has been ultimately designed to bleed your creativity, your ability to think for yourself and to cultivate a rich, colourful inner world. True change comes from within, not from without, a fact that our system does not want you to experience.
Sapra d’Khayeh
You perceive with your heart, you don’t see with your eyes. By freeing your heart, choosing wisely who you read, listen to and being mindful of the intention underlying what you speak, is the very first step in creating your, and our, reality. The world, your world, is waiting to be moulded afresh.
But will you?
The answers lie within the halls of the Sapra d’Khayeh. The Voice reminded you of that just as you incarnated here. You know how to reconnect to that source, as it lies within and around you. You’ll need to meditate though! Just close your eyes and breathe, wash your mind of all thoughts, open up the chambers of your heart, and allow your imagination to flow along the cascading internal rivers and you are instantly connected to the widest network you could ever imagine.
Thank you again for taking the time to spend with the contents of my imagination.
All rights reserved. Andrew Smith, 07:11 GMT, 18th December 2022