The Orange Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto Getting that balance between over thinking and simply being has not been easy of late, as an intense week of processing has engulfed you and a wee battle internally raged as you attempted to claim YOUR own consciousness from the subtle influences of those who claim they walk…

The Gold Diary

The Fixed Fire Sun squares the Fixed Water Jupiter Overstretched? Too much on? Too many people pulling out of you? Conflicted by the paradox of the intense desire to put your head down and ‘lawn mower’ into your mountain of commitments whilst at the same time feeling the urge to fight for your freedom from…

The Orange Diary

Retrograde Fixed Fire Mercury quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto Words… don’t come easy… when you have so much processing… going on at so many different levels… simultaneously… you can feel what you want… to say… but… as you go to talk… words don’t seem adequate enough to… truly account for… all that is going on… yet…

The Orange and Venus Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury stations retrograde as Mutable Earth Venus trioctiles Fixed Earth Uranus   During hectic times, when it feels difficult to take time to breathe, your emotional body heightened and feeling pressure cascading through you; your body’s nervous responses agitatedly reacting to all and sundry; and when your sOul is too jaded or preoccupied…

The Gold Diary

Fixed Fire Sun squares the Fixed Earth Uranus   Stored deep within our bodies are the memories of what we have lived through – the jOy, the pain, the exhaustion, the elation, the tension, the pleasure, the trauma and the comfort. The act of daily living requires us to get on with it and to…

The Gold Diary

Fixed Fire Sun trioctiles Neptune (still opposing Venus) So even if you stand externally confident and together, even if you have some amazing opportunities for new growth and for your ego’s enticement, it is the development within you that are the key during the coming days, as you are compelled to internally question and search…

The Gold Diary

The Sun climbs out of the River (Cardinal Water) and into the Inner Light Chamber (Fixed Fire)   Slowing, the River widens and thins, dissipating the current, making navigation so much easier. No longer focusing on keeping her head above the turbulence, the fear of drowning having passed, she can feel a calmness spread through…

Mercury Retrograde in Fixed Fire (Leo)

Bi-quintiling the Moon, Pluto and Chiron, but is otherwise un-aspected It may feel, at times, an inconvenience to pause, take stock and reflect a little more deeply on certain scripts, patterns, themes and happenings in life, when there is so much on, so much information bombarding your mind, so much to look at/ understand/ read/…

The Orange Diary

The Orange Diary on the 16th July as Mercury continues to talk with Saturn and Pluto   This deeply intense and emotional time has numerous positive possibilities to delve into your mind as you are invited to profoundly explore the darker aspect of personal interaction and communication. As you seek to grow and awaken to…