
A chairde, lá fhélle Bríde sona daoibh (ah, cor-dja, law ay-la bree-ja sona dee-ove) (Friends, happy Bridget’s Day) To the Celts, time was measured not by a rigid calendar but in honour of the natural rhythm of the Earth. The midpoint between the four Cardinal moments – the days of equal light and dark (the…


The Celestial Stream

The New Moon in Fixed Air on the 29th of January 2025 at 12:36 GMT   The night sky stretched wide, a dark expanse speckled with countless stars that twinkled and sang in voices too vast and ancient for any human tongue to capture. Ahyoka Nibiwan walked beneath their celestial chorus, her steps light and…


The Gold Diary

Silence exists in many forms, each shaped by its purpose, the stillness, or indeed the turmoil, it occupies, and the energy it holds, carrying a depth beyond words, expressing meanings that language often cannot contain. There is the silence of stillness, a pause that allows thoughts to settle, like the calm that follows a passing…


The Venus Diary

The element of water can be seen through our emotional expression. Trauma, whether personal or ancestral, freezes those emotions, rendering them static, all the while burn beneath this ice. Choosing to heal is like gradually melting what has been frozen. If you don’t, you repeatedly face situations that violently break the ice apart. However, the…


The Act of Creation

  The New Moon in Cardinal Earth on the 30th of December at 22:26 GMT Cover Art by Xzendor7   Beneath the dim glow of a winter moon, where the veil of night lay soft as velvet upon the world, two souls, guided by an unseen current, drew ever closer, until the space between them…



The New Moon in Mutable Fire, conjoined Antares On the 1st of December 2024   Sorcha stood on the Cliffs of Moher, the wind tugging at her ash brown hair, the sea below roaring as if trying to echo the song within her. The sun’s final light cast a gold sheen across the wild Atlantic.…


The Eye and Sacred Dance

The New Moon in Cardinal Air, conjoined Diadem Cover Artist unknown   On a sun-drenched hill, Little Spirit danced, her feet light as they caressed the earth. The wind, playfully wove through her hair, lifting each strand into a wild halo. Her body moved in perfect rhythm, not to any music that could be heard…


The Walker Diary

Unresolved ancestral trauma plays a very subtle and often unrecognised, yet paradoxically overt influence, role in shaping our current political and social framework. In a more overt manner, deep-seated historical wounds such as colonisation, slavery, systemic racism, and oppression continue to influence the collective unconscious of societies around the world. These traumas, passed down through…