Enter the calendar year September, and the politicians start returning from their summer break and already the lockdown rhetoric starts again. Is it COVID and mask wearing mandates (not yet, though as every parent knows, autumnal colds are the norm as kids remingle in yard and health boards start promoting the flu jab).
No, as President Macron says ‘your age of abundance is over’. Energy price hikes and blackouts will create a form of lock down, whether that means than some cannot no longer afford to travel abroad, or whether restaurants can’t afford to open if peak time shut offs become the norm, or whether businesses ask you to stay home as the heating bills are too expensive…
But this is intentional as there is more than enough energy to heat our homes, power our technology and keep the economies going. There is more than enough food locally and globally. There is more than enough space for humanity to grow. The attempt to lock you down in a new way, is not the true meaning of the Saturn Uranus square. Astrology is about understanding meaning from the rhythm of life and the invariant cycles of the cosmos and how they are reflected in the ongoing evolution of our personal and collective consciousness. Less conscious astrology would state that this specific harmonic relationship between the ringed giant Saturn and the first invisible’ planet, Uranus, is a conflict tension provoking unruly behaviour. But it is truly a time wherein we are being called to actively review the ways in which we are reforming the world in which we live.
Yes, there are those who want to return to a simpler Golden Age and there are those who ignore the myth of Atlantis and want to move towards a techno-dominated world, and of course there are those of us who merely want to be left alone to grow and experience the beauty of our world. So this time is one of checks and balances. It has been going on for nearly 18 months and this phase is coming to ita close. As something closes, the tension rises, so that you can ‘see’ how far you have grown and evolved.
Many more ordinary folk are starting to truly get it and so I really wouldn’t worry too much about the lock down threats (energy crisis). It will pass, even if it uncomfortable for a while. You have a say in how we are evolving. You have a say in this energy crisis, so please continue to prepare, and spread common sense solutions to support each other against this intentional ploy to shed us of our disposable income (some have kindly shared their suggestions on another thread).
Keep strong and know that this is merely a phase in a deeper cycle, called the redistribution of power, where I believe power will eventually settle within and therefore without, as opposed to power over and under…
Art by Angela L. Chostner