The Purple Diary on the 20th of April
Consciousness, both individually and collectively, is a dynamic entity, constantly evolving through experiences, reflections, and growth. As you/ we navigate through life, you/ we encounter various stimuli that prompt you/ us to reflect on y/our beliefs, values, and perceptions. Each reflection can stimulate some facet of growth, whether inwards and downwards, or upwards and outwards, expanding or impeding consciousness and, hopefully, deepening understanding of both the ‘Self’ and the world.
Whether through moments of joy, sorrow, or revelation, these experiences contribute to the on-going development of consciousness, shaping y/our perspective and influencing future actions.
However it is easy to misconstrue the perpetual motion of growth in an era inundated with sound bites of information. Planetary cycles and astrological aspects are often misunderstood as being isolated causations, disconnected from the broader context of personal growth and societal dynamics. The rapid dissemination of updates and news often reinforces this perception, presenting events in a fragmented manner that obscures their underlying interconnectedness.
Yet, just as consciousness evolves through reflection and growth, understanding the intricate web of causality requires a holistic perspective. Planetary waveform motion reflects all facets of our experience of life and more importantly our ever-changing multi-layered consciousness. How we deal with these shifts offers the collective an opportunity to find new pathways to express the polysemic holons that each planetary wave forms contain. In turn, that gives other individuals an opportunity to re-frame what they move through in a broader context, potentially opening their eyes to ways to raise the bar.
Within each planetary cycle, just as there is within Nature’s cycles, there are differing stages of growth – a commencement, turning points, integration points, opportunity to further build, points of illumination, points of tension and eventually a time wherein this dance needs to end, ceding to a renewal under a differing rhythm.
Tomorrow, one specific cycle, associated with opening up new horizons, commences for the first time in just under fourteen years, and if considering an additional third term, the first time in 83 years.
For those consciously attuned, what you can expect to feel is a fast paced, ‘eye’ opening insight, that can literally blow apart the cobwebs, freeing you from the binds that chain you to the ever rotating Wheel of fate, enabling you to gain a fresh perspective that can be drawn through your creative essence in a manner that not only expresses your being in a stunningly authentic and free manner, but in a way that WILL be perceived by those closed to growth as being ‘insane’, wild, rule-bending and impossible. But, the tone of this alignment is inwardly embodied. In other words, it will be experienced within, as opposed to witnessed without.
The feeling is that of encounter, as you witness a liberation of your body and being from the physical and material constraints that have come before. The qualitative experience of this ‘tone’ is akin to planting a seed that will allow a flower of truthful honesty to flourish, even if it means destabilising arenas of your life that are no longer aligned with your deeper impulse towards freedom and being.
In short, the ‘landscape’ of this synod is conducive to that of open and free exploration, as opposed to tentative analysis and incremental growth, painstaking hewn from toil and labour.
If you would like to discover more about this tone, I conducted a two hour webinar looking at the cultural and spiritual shifts that have arisen in concert with this rhythm. If you would like to watch that discussion, please send me an email.
But just remember that this conjunction is but one stage of an overall process and not an isolated event that will ‘cause’ something to happen to you, even if it comes across that way when you read online or listen to various talks and podcasts that give that impression. Consciousness changes are on-going. Astrology is a language to account for those changes, but it is also a living language that is constantly evolving and is contingent upon the awareness of those speaking the language.
Remember that we get what we argue for, in the same way that we see the world through the lens of our own belief systems. If you truly believe in causation, then that is what indeed you will experience. If, however, you believe that you are a co-creative being, directing your awareness in tandem with personal and collective rhythms, then that too is what you will create and experience.
You stand on the threshold of a new stage of development, a sustained tone of fourteen years, a rhythm that opens up your physical world to a deeper realisation of both the illusion, and the importance, of our physicality and material world. There will be profound shifts that open up so many facets of humanity. The question is, however, whether you are prepared to go beyond and to encounter life without edges, to grow with abandon and to open yourself to knowledge that will threaten your everyday life?