Astrology is more than simply understanding the sign of the month of your birth. It is also more than a mere sitting with an astrologer once or two a year. Astrology’s story is that of humanity. It is woven into every fabric of our modern society, its legacy remaining in our calendars, our festivals, our celebration of our birthdays, our religious doctrines, our sciences and mathematics, our literature and our music. Long before humanity divorced itself from an organic, symbiotic, holistic way of living in sync with nature, astrology formed the backdrop to all human activities and has been instrumental in inspiring some of the greatest constructions in the human story. Its influential was so powerful as a way of being that it became actively outlawed in the West from the seventeenth century, though remained anactive part of life within Eastern cultures.
But it never fully died. Its survival attests to its enduring and perennial message despite the concentrated and orchestrated attempts to discredit it over the past millennia by two of its offspring – the Church and Science. It is the Blue Rose’s belief that you already know astrology. In recent centuries our cultural values have moved away from the intrinsic knowledge that each one of us lives within a matrix of potential manifestation, woven together within a pathway of sacred geometry, held together by intention—a holographic projection onto which matter is outlined. Your life is embedded within this larger vibratory field of intelligence that is ever-changing and perpetually becoming conscious. Moreover everything within this plane of existence has an intrinsic resonance and our entire culture – our concept of time, the monotheistic faiths, our economic and social values, the non- Abrahamic faiths all originate from this notion that we are inseparable from the cosmos – it is within us as we are within it.
Admittedly there is much in astrology that needs attention, a consequence of its virtual disappearance in Europe, a destruction of knowledge over time by conquerors determined to purge the world of knowledge that served to empower the individual, an intentional dulling down of the enquiry into the subjective and imaginal approaches to gnosis and an obsession with the purely physical world. This has left within astrology a legacy of superstition, misunderstanding, low esteem and defensiveness.
But a Renaissance in astrology is taking place as more and more people turn from the
colonization of their minds by a reductionist paradigm that seeks to explain only our physical world towards an inclusive, empowering paradigm that seeks meaning and an awareness of the multiverse that we live within – both within ourselves and within our world. Astrology’s message has always attested to this holographic, inclusive model of consciousness and has inspired some of the greatest minds of our time to focus their attention on the notion that the universe and human consciousness is not a machine, but a living, breathing conscious phenomena. The Blue Rose sees astrology not as a deterministic, patriarchal, objective entity but as a useful model within which both individual and collective consciousness can be explored and understood; a living breathing way of being and a philosophy of life; and as such we are part of the emerging Renaissance.