The difference between the ‘DAC’ and the Blue Rose, aside from experience, maturity and
awareness, lies within the wider interest in spirituality and the raising of consciousness that both Karen and Andrew have subsequently embraced. As such, the classes dive deeper into spirituality and conscious, positive living, using astrology as a frame of reference, but also embracing the knowledge of the wider consciousness studies movement, the Essene teachings of the Christos and Magdalene, along with insights gained from other spiritual teachers, disciplines, and personal meditative and dream orientated practises.
What is the Blue Rose
Having closed down a small school of astrology that was running from 1996 – 1998 called the Dublin Astrological Centre, Karen and Andrew returned to formal teaching of astrology in September 2011. What was envisioned as a ten week introduction to the basics of astrology, the classes grew over time and the activities of these informal settings expanded and the foundation for a formal place of learning was laid.
The Blue Rose is more akin to a Mystery School than just a place to remember astrology. Its name arose from a dream that Karen had and reflects the Blue light of the Christ consciousness and the Heart consciousness of Venus’ rose. The Blue Rose has arisen occasionally throughout history as a symbol of higher awareness and of the deeper feminine expression of consciousness, a weave that runs through the activities conducted within the emerging development of the Blue Rose community.
The Blue Rose Ethos
As opposed to teaching from a theoretical perspective, our second incarnation as astrology teachers has been from our professional experiences, along with a deepening of our spirituality as we have lived and breathed astrology night and day, as we believe it is a way of being, as opposed to a philosophical or psychological system through which you can better understand the meaning of life.
We see our role as facilitators supporting you on your journey of remembering the deep wisdom embedded within your mind. Focusing on a profoundly spiritual orientation, we explore the various philosophical weaves that exist within the modern practise of astrology, yet all the time focusing on a co-creative, choice centred, empowered and positive view of the cosmic dimension of your soul.
Aside from theoretical instruction, our classes are conducted through a mixture of interactive discussion, the use of visual images and music, meditation, some experiential (embodiment) work, reflective exercises and philosophical discussion. We actively encourage discussion and participation, along with the exchange of interpretation and the reading of a chart from the very beginning. Our classes contain lively sharing within what we believe to be a supporting, caring and friendly space.
The Blue Rose Approach