Given that the media are no longer impartial, when you read headlines around the massive rise in demand for solid fuel, you know that there is an agenda to continue to exhaust you with fear. This time will also pass, and you know, the silent majority who went along with the mask wearing, vaccination program, who didn’t truly agree but were to afraid to speak up lest they lost their family and jobs, are truly ‘seeing’ it for what it is – a lie. There is no energy crisis. This is a fundamental reboot of the economic policy, and what better way that blame spiralling costs on Russia, Covid, Bitcoin and climate, than to take responsibility for their own actions. This has been a long play and you can clearly see how you have been conditioned gradually over a few decades.
Look at how the silent majority responded to the AIB ‘test-the-waters’ with going cash free. It hit home for the Irish due to our history of impoverishment. We may have physically abused our bodies with alcohol and therefore didn’t see any different with medication. But money that was always denied by Church, State and Britain? Another matter entirely!
Look at how many are now questioning the attempt at mask mandates. Germany is attempting to make it legal to wear one from October through March indefinitely and yet it is not working. Too much fear breeds contempt, and also builds resistance (think of anything you over consume – you build tolerance for it). The Sept-Oct push to return to covid restrictions will not work. There is not a hunger to conform anymore. Even here in Malta, where I am writing from, the majority are saying “well it is just a cold, we will have to live with it”. And this is from an island that went down the New Zealand and Canada route over the past two years.
More locals are concerned about inflation, rising rents, out of control building, greed and the cost of living than covid, even when it comes to discussions on mask wearing, of which they had very, very tight rules and regulations.
The silent majority have turned against the covid narrative, hence the push for climate and energy and potential ‘lock downs’ (which won’t be lock downs per ce, but encouraged to switch off the electricity, work from home etc. etc.), but too many are also starting to ask questions thereon. Hence why so many people are taking matters into their own hands.
Revolution is upon us, but you are not hearing about it in the media. All over the world there are revolts, as the silent majority are turning against law makers, due to the inequitable, unjustified practises. The last time we saw this level of social tension was back in the 1770s, when Pluto was last in Aquarius, a sign that it will return to in March 2023 (I will write about that over the coming weeks).
So hold fast. Do not worry. This time will pass. Do not compile. There are more with you than you believe and as this hits people’s pockets, you will see a stronger reaction – like with the farmers movement all over the world. The tide has been turning within this battle of the soul amidst the redistribution of power.