“Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think gOd gives them patience? Or does ‘he’ give them the opportunity to be patient?
If he prayed for courage, does gOd give him courage, or does ‘He’ give him opportunities to be courageous?
If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think gOd zaps them with warm fuzzy feeling, or does ‘’he’ give them opportunities to love each other?”
Quote from Evan Almighty, 2012
Not necessarily an ‘act’ of desperation, appeasing a ‘higher’ consciousness to intervene on some fear-based request to make something happen, or to avert the pain of a ‘bad situation, prayer, or the intentional embodied visualisation of some futuristic timeline, is not only an ancient practise acknowledging that consciousness is not merely a ‘human’ phenomena, but a communion with unseen forces of the universe. It is part of the process of materialisation and actualisation of vision, as you fuse body and spirit together, to bring into being, hOpe.
Yet, actualisation requires intentional action, as opposed to passive visualisation and therefore all ‘requests’ involve a journey of discovery, pealing back the layers of egoic desire and attachment, encouraging you to ‘seize’ the moment and to bring into being the ‘ground’ through which your intentions can find manifestation. And this always comes with a ‘test’, be it of conviction, of belief, of morality, of ethics or of integrity. These ‘tests’ are not punishment for ‘missing the mark’ and because you are ‘fallen’ but because there is something about the human condition that does not really value something unless it is ‘earned’ or unless it ‘costs’ something.
Moreover, actualisation of anything always comes from ‘spirit’, whatever you believe that to be. It is not about pure brawn. Coming from pure feeling, you are intentionally communicating with the unified field that you live within and are ‘clearing’ the path from distraction so as to be as one with that intention.
Whilst this pathway is open to you at any times, there are moment within the collective that this deeper ‘magic’ is more apparent. So it is my wish that you do not despair at the way in which your internal and personal dialogue with these higher forces manifests. I hope that you see the ‘tension’ that naturally arises as you make requests, as an opportunity to raise the bar and to bring into being the intentions that you are setting, as opposed to feeling deflated that your request is not being handed to you on a plate.
Remember that life is a prayer, one in which you are consistently sending messages to the mirror of creation, as you receive and bring into being what emotions are at the core of your heart.
Reflection on Mars’ focal position at the head of a Golden Yod with Jupiter and Saturn
Art by Diana Helman