The 11th August as Fixed Fire Venus prepares to infuse her radiance to the Sun
The heart-learning has been immense of late as the question of what jOy truly means has orbited in captive rotation around you. It sounds so easy to live what you lOve and to centre yourself on actions stemming from lOve but in reality it has dawned on you that so much that you ‘do’ is fuelled by an ego hungry for acknowledgement, affection, appreciation, approval, respect and validation. Why is it that you have given permission for the world to impose onto, and imprint into, your heart what it thinks you should do? What is it in you that has allowed your worth and love to be defined through the eyes of another? As these questions burn deeply the fabric of your psyche, you have felt the call to release those binds which hold you fast to someone else’s opinion of your life.
Within this balsamic heart-phase over the past month, somewhere deep you always knew that it has not been time to experience the lOve but one to acquaint yourself with Ananke, Dolos, Eros, Hedone and Pothos. You have had to live and experience the Depth so to truly open your heart to the Sky and the Infinity that lOve ultimately brings.
And now as your time within Thanatos’ realm prepares to change from descent down and through to ascending up and out, you can sense the early flickers of a pre-dawn light before you and feel the gentle presence of lOve’s soothing rays guiding you.
I hope you will join me in placing on the altar of Light, those thoughts where you shelter and hide from the vastness of the dawn that is rising, and the hope that you are open to receiving lOve in a conscious manner. I hope you will open yourself to the nascent geography that invites you into unchartered territory as love yields to lOve and to have to the courage to savour every moment as your last, appreciating all that you have, all with whom you have connected and all that you have experienced.
The time ahead is all about consciously living from a deep, experiential knowingness of lOve, living your jOy and sharing all that you are from a place centred from doing what you lOve.
This is my prayer for you…
Andrew Smith © 2019
Image source unknown