3 days to let go
Breath spasmodic and laboured, chest heaving, gasping for air, her mind lost amidst a swirling mass of neurotic thoughts and feelings, the stifling heat wafting over her in waves, threatening to overwhelm her, she fights to hold onto her memories as the boundaries of her awareness start to blur and merge with the One Light.
3 days to surrender
Slipping in and out of consciousness, reality and fantasy merge making it hard to distinguish between her life lived and unlived. Her heart consumed by paradox as feelings of joy and sorrow, hope and despair, satisfaction and regret coarse through her veins.
3 days to THE time
Too tired to fight any longer, her heart too weary to hold onto forlorn feelings, slowly she turns her head in the direction of the susurrated whisper. Images of love immediately fill her heart – that first look into her baby’s eyes; the ionised smell of the sea as a spring sun rises majestically on a crystal clear morning; the gentle knowingness in her parents eyes as they celebrated their 50th anniversary; the warmth of her lovers arms as he reached out for her as they watched the twinkling of Sirius in the early dawn light.
Take my hand, fly with me.
Through the fiery haze, she senses a shimmering hand extended towards her. Finally she realises that she was never alone. Lifting her hand, she reaches out…
3 days…
The heart-learning has been immense of late as the question of what jOy truly means has orbited in captive rotation around you. It sounds so easy to live what you lOve and to centre yourself on actions stemming from lOve but in reality it has dawned on you that so much that you ‘do’ is fuelled by an ego hungry for acknowledgement, affection, appreciation, approval, respect and validation. Why is it that you have given permission for the world to impose onto, and imprint into, your heart what it thinks you should do? What is it in you that has allowed your worth and love to be defined through the eyes of another? As these questions burn deeply the fabric of your psyche, you have felt the call to release those binds which hold you fast to someone else’s opinion of your life.
I hope you will join me in placing on the altar of Light, those thoughts where you shelter and hide from the vastness of the dawn that is rising, and the hope that you are open to receiving lOve in a conscious manner. I hope you will open yourself to the nascent geography that invites you into unchartered territory as love yields to lOve and to have to the courage to savour every moment as your last, appreciating all that you have, all with whom you have connected and all that you have experienced.
Reflection on the last days of Venus as the Evening Star