The liminal space between
Whilst arguably our world is not as solid as it seems, there is no doubt that our sense of reality has become consciously malleable since early 2020. Shadows and Light have intermingled, a kaleidoscope of shifting hues cast onto a canvas of transition, the end result of which has yet to be decided.
For many, it is both a time and place where uncertainty and anticipation converge, giving rise to a unique energy that pulses through the very fabric of existence. Yet it is the ending of the former world that many are aware of, even if it is merely privately observed, for fear of giving it form by speaking about it. How many people have left their ‘stable’ relationships? How many have lost a loved one in surprising, unexpected or tragic circumstances at a rate beyond normal and expected? How many souls are quietly asking the ultimate existential question – why? How many no longer trust what they are reading or being told? How many are observing that the history they have been taught, is not as honest as it once seemed? And how many are conscious that the way that we are living – the speed, the lack of true freedom and the cost (financially, personally, emotionally, familiarly, physically, nutritionally, spiritually) – is not only unsustainable but also not what they want.
Whether consciously recognised or not, the former world is relinquishing its grasp, and what is happening is merely the ‘cross fire’ of those in power seeking to remain there, as they realise that the propaganda regarding civil liberties, freedom, division, health and climate are no longer holding society to the fear it once did. And so the ‘tension’ has escalated in a last bid to maintain the economic and political status quo. Yet, all the while, a new world silently takes its tentative first steps.
And so we find ourselves living in a liminal space, once that serves as a bridge between the familiar and the unknown. A place wherein the fabric of reality is not solid, permeable to our imaginations and visions, hungry for a stripped down version of reality, a return to core authentic values, and a return to innocence (this does not mean a return to the ‘golden past’ but to a time wherein all that is good and kind about humans trumps over greed, fear and exhaustion). Ahead of a profound western calendar year 2024, we are moving through a sacred threshold where a passage through which the collective and personal soul navigates the complex weave of change, of timelines and en-light-ening consciousness.
This cosmic ‘corridor’, where time is drawn inwards, where poignant reflections dawns more viscerally and where the dance between what was and what can be, spirals, is the way in the coming months. Will you/ we hold fast to your humanity, becoming consciously aware of the importance of your heart, your values and your authentic voice (not the learned and indoctrinate voice), or will you return to the fold, because it is easy and familiar?
There comes a time to choose between what is truly right and what is facile. It is coming sooner than you think…
Reflections on the Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries in February 2026, Pluto’s ingress to Aquarius in January 2024, its conjunction to Altair and the space between the Pluto-Saturn/ Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions of 2020 and now…
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