The Pluto Diary

There exists a thin line between the self-reflection and analysis and narcissistic vanity and/ or fatalistic self-justification or auto-suggestion. This has become ever so evident with the prevalence of camera phones, social media and the powerful medium of cinematography and TV. While introspection is an extraordinarily valuable tool for personal growth, the over-analysis of ‘self’…

The Rainbow Diary

The liminal space between Whilst arguably our world is not as solid as it seems, there is no doubt that our sense of reality has become consciously malleable since early 2020. Shadows and Light have intermingled, a kaleidoscope of shifting hues cast onto a canvas of transition, the end result of which has yet to…

Two Pillars

The New Moon in Mutable Air on the 18th June 2023 at 05:37 am BST   Seven locks of hair hewn to a rugged stubble; both eyes gouged and blooded, a legacy of the betrayal; his head bowed by weakened hOpe; his heart aching and his body writhing in pain; blinded by his thoughts and…

Dawn’s Awakening Fire

The New Moon in Cardinal Fire on the 21st of March 2023 at 17:23 BST Cover Art by Mario Sinisca, Naples 1929   Within the swirling mists of your mind’s eye, imagery fleetingly appears from the Deep, flashing into awareness and then morphs into something else, as people, scenarios, landscapes, feelings and conversations merge into…

The Neon Diary

You may have been taught to rely upon those in authority, be it a teacher, parent, guru or government, but it is clear that times, they are a-changin and the old order is struggling to cling to an out-moulded cast. You will never really know how things might be if you come together in unity,…

The Watchers Diary

Just a short note to remind you that the world around you is merely an externalisation of what is within each individual and the combined consensus to create certain realities. Separation and division consciousness has been a theme throughout history and has been exasperated in the west since the ‘enlightenment’ and more recently since the…

They Came Flying From Far Away

The New Moon in Fixed Air on the 21st of January 2023 conjoined Altair (Still from Howl’s Moving Castle)   It may seem paradoxical but in truth the path to freedom of expression, the way ‘out’, is ‘in’! Yet to descend ‘in’ is to connect ‘beyond’, places so far away that it seems pure fantasy…