The 8th June as Venus prepares to birth
Against the backdrop of the unprecedented redistribution of power, the symbol of how you generate life, Venus, started her new heart-light cycle on the 3rd June. This cycle is a reflection of her two eclipses of the Sun back in June 2004 and 2012, when she crossed over the face of the Sun whilst in the zodiacal sign of Mutable Air, or Gemini.
Metaphysically speaking, an eclipse filters the expression of one planetary archetype through another. In the case of Venus transiting in front of the Sun, the dominant Masculine Light was therefore not only filtered through the heart, he is asked to become more aware of his heart when he engages with those in his world. The sign of the zodiac through which this process occurs describes the style of consciousness that is being consciously evolved. The sign of Gemini refers to the ability to not only communicate but to listen also.
Since 2004 we have seen a strong hunger to encourage the Masculine to become more heart-based in the way in which it interacts with the world. In particular the Masculine has sought to become more conscious of a right-brained, more compassionate, more receptive and less ego-centred way of communicating.
You will have noticed how vocal the feminine has become over the past 16 years. You may have noticed at how intolerant we have become towards leadership that is exclusive and hierarchical; at how powerful the awareness of equality, integration and holism has become; and at how the feminine is finding her voice and shining more vibrantly and how the Deep Feminine has awoken.
This is not because of these eclipses but merely a reflection of the consciousness currency that these pivotal synodic events symbolise.
Venus as Morning Star
As we move into a nine month proactive heart-based phase it is important to remember the wisdom of inclusiveness, compassion, respect and listening when we are interacting with those in our world. Acknowledging our feelings, especially those un-verbalised, suppressed or traumatised is ever so important. But reacting in a ‘divide and conquer’ or ‘us against them’ manner is merely perpetuating the toxic masculine myth. It does not honour the co-creativity perspective of the Divine Feminine.
This is not to deny accountability and to encourage injustice. No. To paraphrase Einstein- we cannot continue down the same path, if even from a differing viewpoint, and expect that reality will alter. This Dawn offers us the opportunity to truly envision a reality wherein power is distributed differently to how it has been channelled since 1518. The fact that the voice of the Masculine Light is to be filtered through the Heart, does imply that there is a hunger within the Collective to create a world based on heart-values and not purely on selfish, exclusive and isolationist values.
Will we though? That is entirely up to you and us.
Andrew © 2020
Art by Svenja