The 7th June as Mutable Air Venus gestates
Every dawn, like every conception, carries with it not only the hOpe of a new start, but an anxiety of what will come to pass as your mind projects forward into the ever moving stream of time from where you have previously moved through. That anxiety, is not only based on control of the future and knowledge of the past, often arises when insufficient healing of what has come before has not been truly laid to rest.
Every morning, the Sun enters through the Eastern door, offering light to your ‘visible’ path. Every eve, as the Sun exists through the Western Door, heralding the descent into the ancestral realms, your attention is drawn towards the ‘invisible’ dimension of your path. But not every morn or eve is the same. Not every morn or eve is imbued with the psycho-spiritual potential to truly start afresh.
But as your heart-light is re-conceived; as the seed of a new heart-path are envisioned deep within your darkest consciousness; as the conditions offer to you the opportunity to release pain of the deeply emotional past months, the dawn is a true dawn. It is a heart-dawn.
To those who have found the recent months emotionally wearing through loss and grief – be it of a lOved one; a friendship; an insight that has fundamentally altered your emotional reality asking you to let go of certain people and circumstances; a physical trauma; a spiritual crisis; a financial loss; a loss of status; a separation or divorce – know that today is the early dawning of a new heart-light cycle.
You may not be able to ‘see’ the path clearly as yet, but deep within you something has been conceived, a something that will shortly emerge and steadily grow over the coming nine months, before it will be re-conceived and re-born. As difficult as it can be to trust that this dawn will offer something fresh, something deeper, something more fulfilling (after all it is you who guides and directs the way in which your consciousness grows), the ‘energetic’ conditions that your heart is moving though can truly support a renewal of your faith in lOve.
As your heart merges with the light on this day, let this baptism of fire cleanse and purify your heart of all its worries and anxieties, griefs and sorrow, disappointments and expectations, ancestral scripts and legacies, and let through you this watery fire, opening the way for those that will company with you. Your heart-past may have shaped your experiences but you have within you the opportunity to lay to rest your heart-past and start afresh. It can be difficult to let go and trust, but there are times when it is necessary to move on. Today is one of those days.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you embark on this new heart-chapter, and please remember that lOve is all that matters at the end of the day, as you engage with everyone and everything with lOve and from lOve.
Andrew Smith © 2020
Photography by Ebru Sidar for ATOD Magazine: A Taste of Dawn.