love/ lOve; joy/ jOy; soul/ sOul; ego/ egO; God/ gOd
Why do you capitalise the O? Is it a spelling error? Would you please STOP capitalising the O – it is annoying! What does lOve or gOd mean?
These are some of the questions asked many times since I started writing several years ago but my answer is always lost in the constantly moving stream of social media feeds. Since my website is now a permanent place in ‘space’, I hOpe that what I share gives you an insight into the workings of my mind and way of being.
The capitalisation is intentional. I was looking for a way to differentiate between the ego and soul when I write, as I want to write about the higher vibrational possibilities of the planetary archetypes, so that we can raise our awareness, as opposed to merely live within the ‘fate’ of ‘that is how it is’.
If you have every meditated, had an out of body experience, been in the presence of a numinous or angelic consciousness, if you ever have had a peak experience or lucid dream, then you will know that there is no ego and Oneness is what binds us all together- Oneness!
And there is an ‘O’ in love, god and joy… It got me thinking and so I decided to emphasise the O…
So love is everyday love, love that has desire and longing, that has an agenda as it comes from the ego. lOve, however, is that lOve that transcend the ego, that is unconditional, that knows no boundaries, that comes from spirit that comes from gOd… and for me lOve is gOd and gOd is lOve…
With that in mind, ‘God’ refers to that hierarchical notion of the monotheistic traditions, whereas gOd refers to the numinous consciousness – God, Allah, Wakan Tanka, Om, Is, Being, Light, Nothingness, Chaos, etc – that underlies all our egoic attempts to understand that which exists beyond the senses.
Joy comes from the ego and delights in pleasures of the senses, whereas jOy comes from something vaster than the ego.
I realise that many will not see this note and questions will arise again, so I hope that for those who have been annoyed or confused at the capitalisations, this explanation offers an insight into my Mutable Water perception…
Thank you for asking. Thank you for reading.
in lOve