Bellatrix, the Amazon Star and the Female Warrior
Located in the shoulder of the Hunter, Orion, the Winter Constellation so prominent in myriad ancient cultures, Bellatrix is ubiquitously considered to be a star reflecting the courage, strength, determination and wit of the feminine.
Orion is one of the bread baskets from which our deeper consciousness is formed and the twenty fifth brightest star in the night sky sits majestically above Rigel, protecting the path way through which we can access the Christ Consciousness.
Largely written out of HIStory, the feminine has traditionally considered the dominion of home and hearth, as opposed to an unyielding, determined and fortified. And yet history is replete of myriad stories of women who stand up, stand firm and are willing to vehemently protect what they love and value. The existence of Bellatrix is a testimony to this dimension of the deeper feminine.
The challenge
A far cry from the honour and respect of the Feminine of the ancient mystery religions, whom the Pythagoreans called “the great soul of the world who gives birth, preserves and renews… the divine Goddess who bears along all souls in her mantle of Light, femaleness became equated with weakness, error and imperfection.
Unsurprisingly many find it difficult to view the Yin as possessing a warrior attitude because of countless years of conditioning.
Yet there are dimensions within the feminine that are as much a ‘fighter’ as the traditional Yang. That ‘fight’, however, is for Yin values, as opposed to Yang values.
Not motivated by lust, greed or wanton ambition, this feminine consciousness is directed towards the protection and preservation of what she holds dear and believes in. She is the protector of the Divine Masculine and is focused on clearing a path for ‘him’ to speak forth.
Yin Warrior
The Yin ‘warrior’ is a term to describe someone who defends core ‘feminine’ values, regardless of gender. In more modern terns, standing up in defence of children’s rights; leading humanitarian efforts; participating on peace missions; or stand as a protector of the environment, the consciousness through which Bellatrix draws forth, stands her ground and pushing for change in the face of adversity, injustice or inequality. Possessing strength, determination and fortitude, Bellatrix is willing to take up arms and fight for a cause with relentless perseverance.
Possessing a determined spirit a “can do” attitude drives her actions. When faced with limitations, disappointment or opposition, Bellatrix only gets more determined to make what she envisions happen. She won’t take “no” for an answer and will find a way barrel through obstacles until that “no” becomes a “yes”. This can touch on the shadow of this ‘star’ energy – that of ignoring her past, not engaging her intuition or watching the omens, and not learning from her successes (resting on her laurels) – which can darken her light and envelope her in her own darkness.
When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak – Audre Lorde
Her temperament, according to Arabic astrologers, as being a blend of Mercury and Mars, Bellatrix knows her word is powerful and that her opinion counts. Choosing her words wisely, she lacks fear in explaining her position, even if she considers the feelings of others when she speaks her mind.
Rising to action with strength, Bellatrix undauntedly engages in necessary work to fulfil her vision. No task too hard nor mountain of paperwork too high, relentlessly she perseveres in an autonomous manner.
The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off. – Gloria Steinem
Spiritual Warrior
Fearless to feel the red heat rise in her heart, her anger is just the spark needs to fight for her rights, for justice and to protect who she loves. Uninterested in greed, property or possession, she stands to firm to give access to a deeper love, a love of humanity and a love of Light (Rigel). Standing above Rigel, a gateway of spiritual integrity, Bellatrix is the Yin protector of the actualisation of your spiritual mission.
When aligned with her spiritual creative power Bellatrix can say to the mountain, “move” and it will! When called to do what is for the highest good even when the multitudes disagree or digress to achieve what is meagre in comparison! And while others are comfortable perpetuating the attitudes of the status quo, Bellatrix forges a difficult path challenging cultural views.
The current narrative
Located at 21 Gemini, the degree of the Rebirth of the Light-Mind on the 11thof June 2021, her presence is yet another reminder of the ongoing galvanisation and rise of the Feminine, necessary to balance countless centuries of domination of Yang perspectives. Occurring within the Heart-Light Renovatio of the 3rd of June 2020, the activation of the Geminian archetype continues to be brought forth within our collective awareness as we are no longer willing to accept things as they have been.
Your heart, and mind, have reached a point where they can no longer live within the conditions they have found themselves.
Diving deeper and deeper into a more conscious life, you are becoming aware of the dualistic weave that permeates your life. That dualism refers to the fact that you are living in a both a protected and unprotected state simultaneously and that you are seeking to make conscious the ancestral, familiar and personal dysfunctional legacies that have puppeteered your life.
As you seek the balance between the feminine and masculine within yourself; drawing forth from the hidden unity that lies just beyond the Veil, the challenge of intimate relating becomes a tender yet tumultuous ground as you seek to lOve without judgement.
The invocation of Bellatrix within this replenishment of the Light-Mind means that within you and within the collective, a strength, determination and perseverance is accessible to direct your ‘unified’ Voice into the world.
This voice, strengthened by the feminine guardian, is a call for action, justice and integrity in the face of the deceptive measures being put in place under the banner ‘public health and safety’.