On the 28th March as Mercury Stations in Mutable Water conjoined Neptune and octile Fixed Earth Uranus
Do you truly believe in the power of your imagination or are you merely selective, opting to cling to the safety of ‘reality’ as a fearful excuse to limit your options and protect yourself from the possibility of jOy and living the path of lOve? Do you truly believe that the external world has more power over you and that its uncaring indifference moulds and shapes your reality, making you a slave within a world that you have no say in, or do you believe that you create your own reality, drawing deeply forth from your heart and sOul, knowing that nothing is impossible and that any obstruction is merely an opportunity to refine and hone your imagination as you constantly seek to raise the level of manifestation of the scripts and patterns of your psychology? Have you opted to live within a smaller world, assuming that imagination equates with delusional fantasy as opposed to having the confidence to see through the illusion of objective reality, knowing that imagination encircles the world and is at the root not only of your creation, but all creation?
Have you heard the call of your imagination? Have you allowed yourself listen to your heart? Do you truly believe in the power of the eye that is turned inwards? Do you know that you are the creator of your own reality? Maybe those questions are the deeper reason behind the mental chaos experienced throughout the month of March has to shake you up and out of a reality that you have become imprisoned by, pushing you to a point of surrender so that you have to re-engage your imagination and to start to conceive of a reality that better suits you? Maybe that is why the resistance you are experiencing has arisen to challenge you to find a more creative solution to move forward, requiring you to engage your heart and imagination to find a new path? Maybe that is behind the hunger to pull away from the distractions of a world fuelled by fear has been motivated by a deeper yearning for stillness, so that you can hear your heart and to create from within? Maybe…
Andrew Smith © 2019Image found on pixabay Free Images and unsourced