Though our modern world feels increasingly removed from Nature, ultimately our sense and understanding of time arises from the rhythmic pulse of the heavenly bodies floating in the waters of the firmament. We live embedded within an ocean of currents and like the differing seas that exist around the world, each has its own character and personality. Yet, within those constantly ebbing and flowing vibratory pulses, three principle tones exist, which feels transitory, repetitive and irrevocable. It is entirely possible to move beyond those temporal notions and truly embody the meaning of time, thereby fundamentally altering time’s arrow.
Time, however, is neither linear nor meaningless, and whilst strange to the modern mind, time is both multifaceted and has telos, or meaning. Time is also filtered through differing styles, which add character and personality to the way in which consciousness grows. And as the wheel turns and our barycentre shifts towards a differing perspective, the search for meaning increases, as uncertainty grows within the cacophony generated between the crescendo of an emerging tone and the decrescendo of the dwindling voices.
In other words, as society becomes increasingly aware that it has reached a critical turning point in its ongoing evolutionary path, we start to experience a quickening of time, as well as an intensification of events, and a chaoticness and tumult in terms of societal order. This is particularly relevant when we, as a people, move to a place furthest from the ‘grand centre’. It is then that our mental virtue comes to such a reduced state that humanity cannot grasp anything beyond the gross material creation.
Ironically, however, this lack of unity serves to challenge society to look beyond isolationism and generates a deeper sense of community and empathy, as we move through this most critical phase in conscious evolution. No longer able to trust in the metamyth perpetuated by those who were at one time in sync with that story that drove society, a new story emerges as we once again steal fire from the gOds and create afresh.
Known as the Turning of the Ages, we stand on the threshold of a new story as we witness the loss of faith in that which once held and motivated us. As the vast hands of the cosmic clock move towards midnight, time is ripe for us to renegotiate our personal and collective values, as that which we held dear no longer holds resonance within a time whose meaning is shifting. What we are witnessing is the ‘clinging-on-for-dear-life’ of those who resonate with the former time, whilst we experientially know that a new story, a fresh feel of time, is upon us.
Art by Lisa Leach