Embrace or confront?
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst lush green fields, there lived a young woman named Maya. She was known for her warmth, kindness, and compassionate nature. Maya had always believed in the power of love and understanding, valuing harmony in her relationships with others. However, there was one person in her life who seemed to challenge her deepest convictions.
Claire, a new resident of the village, possessed qualities that deeply triggered Maya. Claire was assertive, outspoken, and often confrontational. Her words had a tendency to pierce through Maya’s heart like sharp needles, leaving her feeling vulnerable and anxious. Despite her best efforts, Maya’s initial reaction was to withdraw from Claire, avoiding any encounters that might reignite these unsettling emotions.
As time passed, Maya noticed that her avoidance of Claire only fuelled an inner conflict within herself. Part of her wanted to reconcile with this person who seemed to embody all the qualities that triggered her, while another part yearned to confront Claire and establish boundaries. The struggle between embracing or confronting Claire grew more intense with each passing day, consuming Maya’s thoughts.
One peaceful morning, as Maya sat by a serene lake, she watched as ripples gently danced upon the water’s surface. It was in this moment of tranquillity that a gentle voice whispered within her soul, urging her to seek understanding and compassion. Maya realised that in order to truly understand what Claire means to her, she needed to comprehend the source of her triggering emotions.
Deciding to approach Claire with an open heart and mind, Maya mustered the courage to invite Claire for a conversation, inviting her to share her perspective and experiences. As they sat together, the air felt thick with anticipation, yet Maya held onto her intention of seeking deeper understanding.
As Claire began to speak, Maya listened intently, her heart softening with each word. Claire shared stories of pain and vulnerability, speaking of a difficult past that had shaped her assertive nature. As Maya dug deeper, she realised that Claire’s confrontational behaviour was often a shield to protect herself from further harm.
Overcome with empathy and compassion, Maya recognised that their interactions were not solely about her triggers, but rather an opportunity for both of them to heal and grow. In that moment, Maya understood that embracing Claire meant holding space for her wounds and offering support, rather than allowing herself to be overrun by her own uncertainties.
From that day forward, Maya and Claire embarked on a journey of healing together. Maya embraced the qualities that triggered her, viewing them as catalysts for personal growth and transformation. Through their shared vulnerability, they discovered deep connections and forged a bond built on understanding and acceptance.
As time passed, Maya came to appreciate that embracing or confronting someone who triggers us is not a question of right or wrong, but rather an opportunity for self-discovery and compassion. She learned that by facing her fears and embracing the discomfort, she could create space for healing, understanding, and ultimately, a greater sense of inner peace.
And so, Maya and Claire continued their journey, supporting one another in their individual transformations while nurturing a friendship that would endure the test of time. In this tale of self-reflection, Maya learned that sometimes, our greatest lessons come from those who challenge us the most.
And so it is for you…
Reflection on the Sun in Mutable Earth opposing Saturn in Mutable Water, as Mercury retrogrades and morning star Venus octiles Mars
Art by Olga Safa