A New Moon – the eternal dance of the Lights
Since the dawn of time, their ever constant, rhythmic dance, month after month, ever spiralling in and out of their embrace, lovers forever, Sol and Luna have captivated both our hearts and mind, inspiring artists and poets; regulating Time; invisibly choreographing the swell of Gaia’s Big Blue; lyrically whispering quietly to those who hear without ears, who see without sight and who speak where there is no sound; disappointing mothers in waiting yet simultaneously giving hope that their time will come again; and beguiling the emotional body of all who live on this third celestial rock.
Each month, their spiral cadence draws them into a tight embrace, realigning and renewing their intimate connection, offering up an opportunity to replenish their commitment, focusing their attention on their next step. Each month, their kiss is set against a differing background, altering the tone of their momentum and offering to those who live within their metronomic movement the chance to replenish their own relationship to this tone within their own life.
Those tones are called by astrologers, the signs of the zodiac. On the 11th August 2018 the kiss took place within the tropical sign of Leo, a place within you that accounts for that part of your sOul that needs to pull away from the world, turning inwards and engaging in activities (or with people) that support the active development and maturity of your inner light, without expectation of return, without need for approval, or without need for acknowledgement. It is a place within you that has sadly been vastly misunderstood in a world obsessed with becoming someone. Leo has become synonymous with pride, the desire for recognition and the longing to be someone. But the deeper dimension of this archetypal sign lies in the need to explore those themes that distract you from your inner light and from walking a path of personal jOy and lOve.
The unity of the Feminine and Masculine Lights of our collective sOul in front of this internal furnace offers you the chance to stoke the flames of your inner light, pulling you away from the addiction to seek approval from a world that is honesty too busy to genuinely focus on what lights your flame; offers you the chance to burn away the doubt, the fear, the insecurity, the inadequacy and the chains that bind you to believing that you are not able to express your inner light within the world, or to live what you truly lOve, making a sustainable life from the jOy that arises from that lOve; offers you a chance to cleanse your sOul of those egoic hungers and desires that keep you bound by seeking approval and acknowledgement.
If you take the time to set intentions concerning the open and free expression of that inner light, over the coming six and a half months, you will gradually see the emergence of that Light as those intentions are planted today and will emerge over the time it takes for the Lights to oppose each other when the Moon returns to Leo as the Sun moves through Aquarius in early 2019.
My hope for you is to take the time to look inwards and to let your inner furnace burn up the doubts and fears that hold you back from truly living from YOUR light and that you can confidently and openly express YOUR light in YOUR world.
I offer to you the song of the Blue Rose’s good friends, Lars Muhl and Githa Ben David, on this powerful eclipse dawn – In this Fire
Andrew ©2018