The New Moon in Fixed Fire, quincunx Cardinal Earth Saturn on the 19th August at 3:41 BST
Any person or object whatsoever
That requires your attention
Is something that has veered from its path
And preordained destiny of total enlightenment
Way Back Home by Prince Rogers Nelson
What we are collectively living through, as we move through the Kali Yuga (a time of Winter within the four stages of the world, as termed in the Sanskrit scriptures), is a redistribution of power. No-one or nothing has been left unscathed during this transition, though the writing has been on the walls for the way in which our society thrives for many years. The direction of this redistribution is entirely up to us, after all we have collectively colluded with the ‘powers-that-be’ to co-create our reality, even if we have done so through ignorance, forgetfulness, distraction and the feeling of powerlessness.
Before writing any further, please know that I am not going to use this offering to write a treatise on all that has to change or all that is broken within our world, since it is plain to see for those who choose to look. Please keep in mind that our world periodically moves through times wherein the Heart of Darkness at the core of our society is brought forth so that ‘we’ can ‘see’ more clearly that which needs to changes. After all the vices at the heart of our society’s values have had countless books, articles and been the source of much creativity for theologians, spiritual teachers, academics, poets, musicians and artists for countless centuries as the core of humanity has not shifted much, even if the surface structures we now live within are inconceivably different to those who previously lived.
The question of this time, does not differ any more significantly than it has done in the early 1500s, in 1284 BCE, in 783 BCE, in 549 BCE or in 47 BCE (the dates of the similar shifts in our collective bios), even if our collective awareness, understanding and ability to communicate has massively altered.
The Question
And what is that question – can we be called out-of-materialism and worldly mindedness and into a deeper relationship with Nature herself, sharing power for all and not serving out of self-interest but out of a lOve of self and others.
Simplistically stated, the darkness wherein ‘evil’ resides is a state of ignorance, selfishness, forgetfulness and greed. It is inherently self-isolating and self-destructive, as opposed to the qualities of living, which thrive in awareness, selflessness, conscientiousness, compassion and inclusiveness. All scriptures talk of the Fall of humanity into Darkness, whether they write of the Luciferians or to figurative account for the origins of ‘Man’. The Fall symbolises humanity’s intoxication, our subsequent bondage, with matter. That slavery has hindered our ability to truly create and to clearly see and hear. It has taken us away from the core of our inner spirit, the source of our true power, a quality encouraged by those who seek ‘power over’, as opposed to those who seek power within.
Leo and Capricorn
In astrology the positioning of the signs of Fixed Fire and Cardinal Earth from each other accounts for this existential dilemma – how can I maintain the integrity of my inner spirit whilst engaging with creating a reality out in the world around me? How can I stay true to my inner inviolate spirit when I am being drawn out into the world and therefore have to deal with so many others equally trying to create a reality to house their inner creative spirits?
In August 2020 the dialectic between these two aspects of our personal and collective consciousness is showing itself clearly within the tension between those who are adhering to a reality defined by those in power against those who want to define reality from the perspective of their inner power. Those in power claim that those who do not conform to their version of reality are selfish, tin-foil hat wearing conspirators. Whereas those who seek to define their own reality, see those conforming as being fear-based sheep, fast asleep as they are being controlled by a fascist totalitarian regime hell bent on subduing them with surveillance capitalism and vaccines! Who is right?
And yet, this time is not about US and THEM, even if you would be forgiven to believe it to be so. This time is about your own sovereignty and the distractions that are keeping you from growing into a more and whole sOul within this plane of existence.
The world is merely a reflection of our personal and collective inner realities. The tension of dark and light that exists within you, also exists externally and within other planes of consciousness. The redistribution of power is really about the balance of Yin and Yang within you, something that has been deeply out of balance in a world that has played homage to the Yang for far too long.
This time is not about the Rise of the Feminine to dominate and take over from the Masculine. Nor is it about the terror of the Masculine trying to further subdue the Feminine, as could be seen from the devastation of the Yin professions and preservation of the Yang professions within the lockdown climate.
Advancement is neither good nor evil. You are to evolve and advance, as you learn to consciously access and actualise all possible material, psychic/ emotional and spiritual powers for yourself and not just your mental powers for someone else. You are inherently abundant. All you have to thrive exists within you. But that may mean freeing yourself from the doctrines that distract you from yourself. The slowness of the lockdown conditions really gave rise to a true opportunity to witness how comfortable you are with yourself and also with those in your life and the overall condition of your life.
What also arose within the lockdown is how important our interaction with others is. It is essential for not only our well-being, but also for our ability to create reality. We co-create not isolate. The fruits of our labour are not purely our own. They are for all to benefit.
We are living through the nascent stages of a new world that is being born onto itself. Within that turbulence, there are a lot of distractions to focus your attention away from you and your path. Death is always part and parcel of any transition into a new phase. Remember no woman is ever the same after giving birth to a child; no spring is ever the same after winter; and no business is ever the same after a massive restricting. The same goes for what we are moving through personally and collectively.
Any transition is painful, but within that pain is insight and growth. Yes, it feels darker these days, if you choose to listen to the mainstream media outlets. Yes, it feels more divisive than usual, since people are more vocal with their opinions. Yes, it feels more anxious that usual. But is it really?
We are being shown the truth of the reality that we have created and have consented to live within for many, many years. We have the opportunity to change the tonal direction of our paths during this profound redistribution of power. But to do that, you do need to reconcile the issue of looking to the without for the within. In traditional (Hellenistic) astrology, the development of the inner spirit arises before we create reality. Once we have taken the time to truly develop that inner flame, then we can offer it into our world. But if we focus on the outside world, then we will be distracted and will veer off our path towards enlightenment. And there is an unbelievable about of distraction to get incredulous with, as the Light exposes the absolute Darkness at the core of the world (not at the core of people). That depth of that Darkness has yet to arise and will do as this year unfolds in mid-September and again towards the end of October into the second week of November.
All you can do is the inner work. All you can do is look at what in the highly charged emotional reactions you are experiencing is the root of that trigger. Once you understand those reactions, once you heal those wounds, once the legacy from the ancestors is set to rest, then freedom you shall have.
It is also important to remember that everyone is fighting this internal battle. Each of us has to make the suitable adjustments to refine and redefine our creative realities and to free ourselves from the addictions to being in this world. The Fixed Fire Lunation on the 19th August offers a time to poignantly plant a seed to create your reality from the passion of your inner spirit, regardless of the economic, social, environmental and politic flux that reflects the externalisation of our inner world (s).
I will leave you with the lyrics from Prince’s last song on his last studio album – Art Official Age
“You’ve probably felt for many years in you’re former life
That you were separate from not only others, but even yourself
Now you can see that was never the case
You are actually everything and anything that you can think of
All of it is you”
Affirmation III by Prince Rogers Nelson
This offering was inspired by verse 65 of the Gospel of Thomas, “…He who has ears, let him hear.” All rights reserved – Andrew Smith. Completed at 09:34 BST, 14th August 2020.