The Solar Eclipse (Saros Number 137) in Cardinal Water (Cancer) on the 21st June 2020 at 07:41 BST
Do not despair at the distance between the richness of the world within you and the poverty of the world outside of you.
It may appear that our external world is descending into a dark, as opposed towards a light, chaos, as the dis-ease of disenchanted society has finally been revealed in the blatant lies told by those whose egoic hunger to seek material power has created a society torn asunder by the pain of isolationism, a diet of fear and enslavement of your creative soul by irrelevant busyness. But despite the attempts to mechanise your heart, to drain your soul of colour and to taint your dreams and pollute your inner sea, your awakening continues as you continue to ascend out from the dungeon of ignorance and disenchantment.
Within you are wings to enable you to fly as opposed to crawl and those wings can be unfurled if you can open up your heart to freely express the power of your feelings and imagination. A tall order and a frightening experience as there are enough mechanisms in place to keep you at bay or to channel your power into people and circumstances that do not have a vested interest in supporting you, merely using you for what you can do for them.
Yet you are presented, during this Cardinal Water New Moon-Solar Eclipse, with the opportunity to feel your creative power, to channel it through you so you can heal and release those pacts made with yourself that have kept you at bay and to feel your heart revitalise your spirit.
But will you give yourself permission to experience the extent of your true feeling nature?
Can you allow the healing consume you by the very open expression of your inner world within the world around you?
The Power of Emotions
It can be difficult to truly allow your heart’s intent to openly and freely express itself as you have been intentionally conditioned to see yourself as being separate from the world and not integral to the world. You have been trained to only have feelings about something in response to something that has already occurred outside of yourself as opposed to knowing that your feelings generate changes within the world and have an impact on the world in a meaningful manner.
Yet you have a wonderful capacity to feel a vast array of emotions, from sorrow to elation; anxiety to peace; frustration to relief. You can experience those emotions within minutes, each one colouring your perception, adding or subtracting from the quality of a moment, feeling uplifted and radiant when someone compliments you about how great you look at a party, but also uncomfortable when you scan the room, catching a glimpse of someone who you have had a conflict with; saddened hearing the news that an old school friend of yours has been diagnosed with cancer, but uplifted by a bear hug that you receive from an old friend that you have not seen in a long time!
Despite the encouragement to dismiss as irrelevant or untrustworthy your inner world and power of your emotions, the fact remains that your emotions are your guidance system. They fuel you as they drive many of your decisions and actions, for better or for worse. They add to the quality of your life, and can rob you of vitality. Your emotions reveal what you truly love and value. They nourish your creative, artistic and intuitive abilities. They create life and they create your/ our reality. After all many of the most innovative creations that our society has benefited from have arisen from those souls brave enough to trust the madness of their inner landscape.
The New Moon
This Solstice New Moon illuminates those patterns and complexes that have prevented you from experiencing Oneness – whether with another or more importantly with yourself – and what will emerge from within you over the coming six months is only meant to shed those deep emotional scripts and legacies left over from your lineage and from the penetration of the dark hand of society.
Even if what happens feels initially challenging, you will see, with the benefit of hindsight, just how constructive what emerges for you is and how you have been able to resolve that inane chatter that distracts you from the support you have and from the wealth of love contained within your heart. In the days leading up to the re-birth of Heart Based Action, you will be supported to confidently descend into the darker recesses of your soul and to find the gems of truth and insight, hidden beneath those solemn feelings.
Any Cardinal lunation reflects an initiation and any Water lunation reflects a renewal of your imagination. Any Cardinal Water lunation, therefore, reflects a proactive initiation of your heart’s imagination, a time to renew your Emotional Intelligence and to further develop an active intuitive awareness, thereby lifting yourself up and out from the herd mentality enabling you to more confidently walk alone, trusting your own inner instincts and feeling your way along your path.
As the Light of the toxic masculine hegemony dims, enabling your inner world to be seen and heard, that initiation is simultaneously mirrored throughout the whole of your world and of those who share your world. So remember that every time you choose to respond to the challenges of your life, each time you choose a new option, you create a new template of possibility that is available for anyone to access. It is as if you become a living bridge for all the rest of us who choose to follow a path similar to the one you have created.
Take Time
To truly hear those creative whispers you may need to find a quiet place away from the chaos and noise of the world and empty yourself by becoming attentive to the feelings invoked by the constant stream of chatter that exists within. Inevitably as you seek this place of emptiness you encounter an invisible wall, a wall of repetitious ideas, unimportant problems, financial problems and unresolved passions. It is pointless fighting those thoughts and the feelings that are released by their anxieties and negativity as they feed off your resistance.
If you want to shed yourself of them, accept them, feel them, let them fill your heart to its brim and let them wash through you, drowning you until they cannot suffocate you anymore. At that point they will tire, your heart will be free and the Soul of the World can be felt and heard. Within this state you are free, truly free and your power to unleash your imagination onto your world, to act in accordance with your True Heart is phenomenal, especially at this time as we are collectively living through a redistribution of power, a time wherein the Kairos is ripe to create new conditions of living for each and every one of us.
All rights reserved – Andrew Smith. Completed at 07:05 BST, 14th June 2020
Feature Image Art by Helena Nelson-Reed