The Storehouse of the Heart

The New Moon in Fixed Water on the 25th of October 2022   Grapes are not harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, for they do not produce fruit. A good man brings forth good from his storehouse, an evil man brings forth evil things from his evil storehouse, which is in their…

The Green Man

The New Moon  in Fixed Earth on the 30th of April 2022 at 21:28 Cover Art by Anne Stokes   Growing out from his leering or smiling mouth, leaves and stems twist around the edges of his face, the Green Man is a fabled reminder of our deeper past wherein Nature and humanity lived together…

The Fawn and the Doe

The New Moon and Eclipse in Mutable Air, Gemini, in square to Neptune and conjoined both Mercury and Bellatrix. The 10th of June 2021 at 11:52 am BST Featured Image by Erza Tucker   Walking through the woodland undergrowth, his outstretched arms wide open as his hands brush gently over the tops of the dew…


Feared for aeons by those disconnected from the rhythm and immanency of Nature, perpetuated by those enslaved to the egoic ruling classes within the patriarchy (after all what is an eclipse but a time to ‘witness’ the dimming of the Masculine Light) who sought to bolster their personal ambitions with mystique, false prophecy and control,…

Is that so?

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Mutable Fire on the 14th of December 2020 in square to Neptune at 16:16 GMT   Some centuries ago in Japan, there lived a monk who resided in a hermitage close to a small isolated, village. An unmarried teenage woman discovered she was pregnant, causing shame on her…

Freedom of the Heart

The Solar Eclipse (Saros Number 137) in Cardinal Water (Cancer) on the 21st June 2020 at 07:41 BST   Do not despair at the distance between the richness of the world within you and the poverty of the world outside of you. It may appear that our external world is descending into a dark, as…

The Silver Diary

The Moon Fulls and Eclipses in Fixed Air   My prayer for you during the lunation of February 15th , as the Lights of our consciousness aligned with the voice of your perception within this doggedly persistent archetypal landscape within your soul’s make up, was that the word that you generate to hold your attention…