The 3rd June as Venus is conceived in Renovatio as the embryonic Morning Star in Mutable Air
Conceived in love,
Within you the faint embryonic fluttering of hope and joy silently grows.
Unbound and free from the constraints of your emotional past,
Anxiety and fear have no ground to root in this place of infinite possibility.
Quivering with anticipation and excitement
A new heart chapter dawns
A blank canvas beckons
Crying out to be filled with the unconditional creations of your heart
Today is the re-birth of our collective Heart-Light. Hopefully we will retain the wisdom of the past nine months, as we start a new Heart-Light cycle. This cycle relates intimately to the June cycles of both 2004 and 2012, when Venus literally eclipsed the Sun in Gemini. Eclipses dim the Light of the Sun, offering a perspective free from the overwhelming luminosity of the Masculine. Venus crossing the face of the Sun meant that the eternal Light of the Masculine was now filtered through the Heart, thereby challenging the Masculine to soften and to connect to the Heart.
We have witnessed an incredible shift within the Feminine during the past 16 years, as more and more people have sought to Bridge Spirit and Mind through their ideas and voice. Those in deep connection to their Feminine consciousness have grown tired of dualism; of horizontal relationship (those that lack awareness of the ancestral and personal Shadow); of reading but not embodying a spiritual practise; of living a life that is devoid of rhythm, of seasons and of life quality.
The hunger to channel the ideal of sOurce through the physical mind and voice is central to the sign of Gemini – a sign that flourishes with fellowship and the cross fertilisation of ideas and ideals. Without Gemini, life is both isolated and devoid of connection. So this Renovatio – the peak of Venus’ 41 day quarantine – extends back in time, asking us to remember the commitment to speaking love with everyone that you connect with – directly and indirectly (yes, indirectly on social feeds and chats; as we talk of our self-proclaimed ‘leaders’ – the billionaires, bankers, politicians, communication moguls; when we talk of others to others; and in what we watch, listen to and read). The question of this Renovatio is whether you bring spirit consciously through your voice; whether you live in accordance with what you love and value and whether you return love in the face of ignorance, denial, anger, prejudice or fear.
This time could not come at a more apt time during this redistribution of power that we are collectively living through. There are many extant examples of the lower frequency of Gemini abounding these days. So let those of you who can raise their frequency, start the process of breathing a more refined breath through your writing, through your speaking, through your ideals and through your interpersonal interactions. Let the Heart of the Feminine speak forth – gently but powerfully.
This time is the moment from which our Heart-Light is born
Andrew Smith © 2020
Image Credit –unsourced