The 10th May as Out of Bounds, Mutable Air Evening Star Venus octiles Uranus
We live within two worlds simultaneously – the world of reaction and the world of reflection. Two worlds, differing laws, differing pathways of possibility! Both worlds are filtered through the heart but one world is inclusive and the other exclusive; one world divides and other unifies.
Heightened, polarised and splintered is the world of reaction, the contents of our personal and collective ignorance serving to cultivate division and separation. Mesmerising, though, is the melodrama, encouraging your focus to remain external, generating feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness.
This world differs hugely to the world of reflection, a seldom frequented place now thrust upon you amidst this redistribution of power, a dangerous place to the world of reaction as it is from this place that creation is generated. And though you have always known this place, the world of reaction has done its best to anaesthetise you from knowing it. Why? Because it is a dangerous place.
This world, existing within your heart, holds the power to shape your world. It is the home of your Creatrix, that primordial force from which your true individuality emerges; from which your reality is generated; and from which you can live freely, authentically and abundantly. Focusing, however, on the external reality serves only to further distance yourself from your truth and serves create further division between the two worlds.
Whether you like what is going on in the world or not or whether you like the direction the redistribution of power is heading or not, you are living through a time wherein you can reconnect to the world of reflection, to reconnect to the Creatrix and to reconnect with the Truth of your Heart.
Do you want to live in one world or two? That is a deeper question that is now arising. The World of reaction needs reflection more than the World of reflection needs reaction. And yet both shape each other. So as you approach the turning of your heart on the 23rd May, there are a couple of questions to hold a space around – do you live within two separate worlds, not putting into practise the ideals that you seduce your mind and heart? Or do you actively seek to create within the World of Reaction from the World of Reflection? Remember if you truly beautify your inner dialogue and your inner world with lOve, your external life will be beautiful, and in time so too will OUR external life.
Know that your Creatrix is unfettered and let Her freely create. We need Her.
Andrew Smith ©2020
Artwork by Karisma