Mutable Water Full Moon illumination on the 14th September
When the intensity of the gentle light of Luna is turned up each month at the Full, the possibility of being opened up to a deeper emotional and familiar truth occurs. As the Full occurs across the Mutable Earth-Water axis in the small hours of the 14th (in Europe), the awareness of silent path of service, a path that needs no public recognition or awards; a path that demonstrates lOve and devotion; a path that provides support, so that those in need have options previously closed to them; a path that may take from your own so that others can grow; a path that attempts to find a way between obligation and true humanity, is illuminated.
This particular axis runs deeply with in my tribe, extending back through time over many generations on both sides. The lives of many are unknown to me but I am ever so conscious that my own path is not exclusively my own. It has been shaped by the actions and inactions of choices made, subsequent generations either reacting to, colluding with or grown on from the inner tensions not resolved or virtues loving adhered to. These themes quietly echo in the background of my life, guiding, moulding and shaping what is now possible, frustrating my sense of ‘free-will’ at their spiralling cyclical emergence yet inspiring me to ‘raise the bar’ for the future generation within the tribe.
It may not be possible to thank you in person, Grandpa, for what you have done to enable me to have the life that I have, as I only knew you from a distance and for a relatively short time. I was too young to acknowledge your help that open up my educational path and I was unaware, until yesterday, of just how similar some of the themes of our lives are, but as I stand with my current family on the frontier of a new chapter, I am truly grateful for your service and unconditional lOve that has enabled this personal frontier to be reached. I feel your presence, I feel your resonance and I see a new side to you echoing out from eternity. Thank you.
I wish all those reading this note the best as the Moon starts her waning cycle towards the New on the 28th September, as I dedicate this reflection to my grandfather, James (Jimmy) John Hope Smith born 19th March 1921, 5:15am, in Leith, Scotland, upon whose Saturn, this Full Moon illuminated.