In the same way that the fabric through which we have created reality has been truly exposed, offering us an opportunity to envision a different world, a different society, a different life, a process that has been acute since the collapse of the financial world in 2008, the time ahead will offer us the opportunity to truly weed out the most persistent virus that exists – thoughts.
Are your thoughts truly your own or have they been moulded and shaped by so many ‘subtle’ perspectives? Education, as it stands within governmental departments, may not truly serve us, but only a narrow view of the world. Indeed that process seems to be very dated, hence why so many young adults are struggling, not wishing to learn by memory repetition, and not seeing the validity of what they are learning in terms of their own lives. Moreover, much of what is being taught does not encourage critical thinking, or indeed is a fair and balanced view of the world at large. It is to this world that our hunger to change turns:
Knowledge; communication; education; your mind; your thoughts; freedom to move, to express and to be; freedom to democratise; to earn; to create; to live; to exchange; to talk; to travel; to trade….
There are so many false flags arising in the time towards Feb 2026, as we continue to actively lay the foundation for the reality we now envision. And that is common knowledge within the circles that have looked beyond the traditional model of education to understand the nature of this reality. So do not fear the proxy war we are in, as we’ve been in a war for many decades, and there are those who want to escalate it to keep you in fear and subdued, as the design towards a one-world-order continues…
But you have the power to think- to truly think; to question – to truly question; to share – to truly share; and to disagree. The sign of maturity is to hold a discussion with someone who you don’t agree with and listen, hear them, to question them and be questioned, and then to move on, integrating what you have experienced, whether you agree or otherwise.
Descent into a toxic interaction – calling names, encouraging division, cancelling, ghosting or abusing, is neither humane or conscious. That has been encouraged and will continue to be encouraged. Will you perpetuate it as a means to ‘educate’ and highlight, when it demeans, makes fun of and creates further karma? By doing so, it feeds an old paradigm and does not become anyone living a conscious reality. And it is to this end that we need to be careful what we say, what we post and what we share. It is possible to do those things without judging, demeaning or destroying another, even if they appear to be acting or speaking in a way that attempts division, hurt, pain, isolationism, fear or anger.
You are your words, as words carry intention and can be used for healing or destruction. Choose them wisely
Cover Art by Corey Wash