The 29th June as Jupiter and Pluto conjoin in Cardinal Earth
Mirror mirror on the wall…
It’s hard not to be cynical. It’s hard not to be frustrated. It’s hard not to laugh at the Emperor parading His family jewels for all to see beneath the swastika flags flapping freely in the wind, whilst too many ignore what’s right in front of them. Is the light beginning to fade into the black, or is this the dawn of a new age?
Is this is the birth of surveillance capitalism or are we heralding the rise of social-cooperative capitalism?
Has the sterilisation by fear and the confusion created by intelligent marketers, advertisers and journalists won without a fight? Or is there enough impetus, of the few who have seen through the double-speak and who are quietly laying the foundations of new conditions of being, to birth the New Earth?
The mirror is being firmly held up, yet too many cannot look and see.
And yet, here we are at the second phase of this Escalation of Power. Where will it go? Honestly, I’ve no idea. I had hoped, by this stage, more would have seen through the lies and deception, but it seems that the disenchantment, the distractions and the dumbing down is far deeper than I wanted to believe.
But I am an eternal optimist and believe that despite the desperate death grip of those at the top of the crumbling patriarchal pyramid, that the goodness that exists within the vast majority of people’s hearts will overcome the ignorance and denial, the fear and the resignation. You/ We have many important choices to make concerning the quality of our lives. We have had a golden opportunity to take stock and to reassess what is truly important.
Now that things are getting into a ‘new’ normal, the question as to whether you want to be gaslit or to move into this Dawn, demanding a new, equitable life, is something that is live, here and now. At the moment, it looks like the shepherd’s smile is widest but all it takes is one person to take the wool from their ears and mask from their mouth …
For me, I am a brand new sky to hang the stars upon…
Andrew © 2020