The Gold Diary

On the 12th of July as the Sun squares Chiron It is a tale of struggle, vulnerability, and the yearning for healing that resides deep within the soul of humanity, the wounded masculine, like a wounded warrior, bears the scars of societal expectations, cultural norms, and personal experiences. It is a manifestation of the pain…

The Venus Diaries

On the 11th of July as Evening Star Venus deciles the Sun   As the day draws to a close and the golden hour paints the sky with hues of orange and pink, a stunning sight emerges from the depths of the celestial canvas. Venus, the beacon of the night, draws the attention of all…

The Red Diary

Regulus, the “Heart of the Lion,” holds a special place among the stars. It radiates a regal energy, igniting the cosmic fire within us all. And when Mars, the fierce warrior, aligns with this celestial beacon, a powerful union is formed, empowering us to embody the noble qualities of courage, leadership, and integrity. We are…

The Red Diary

Today’s main celestial alignment weaves a tale of spiritual metamorphosis, urging us to delve deep within ourselves and uncover the hidden realms of our souls, igniting our spiritual essence and calling us to embrace the uncharted territories of our inner landscapes. In the last degree of the regal sign of Cardinal Fire, Leo, Mars roars…

The Red Diary

Mars, the fire of manifestation, meets Ceres, the sacred feminine goddess of all that nourishes and sustains life, in a celestial dance that transcends the physical realm. This divine alignment ignites our inner flames, fueling a passionate quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth. Under the guidance of Mars’ dynamic energy, you are encouraged to explore…