The Venus Diary

How have you been navigating the turbulent waters of the visceral pain body these stormy days? Have you succumbed to seductive whispers of the jailer, enticing you back into your cell where you can sup in safety from a diet of fear and vitriolic indignation? Has apathy won without a fight as you shrug your…

The Red Diary

It is worth remembering that the breakthrough of liberation happens at the very darkest moment of the world when everyone has lost hope and everyone fears planetary destruction and when everyone sees madness all around and criminality, brutality, inhumanity, destruction of the environment and social ‘orders’. In those pre-dawn days, society appears to lose the…

The Red Diary

  “The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed” George Orwell, 1984 “So this is how liberty dies – to a thunderous applause” Revenge…

The Venus Diary

All you have is your values. Not those learnt or trained into you or those encouraged by those in your life or those that you are expected to fulfil. Your deeper ‘truth’. No one can take this from you. People can turn their back on you; deride you and call you names. Folk can make…


The New Moon in Cardinal Earth on the 13th of January 2021 at 5:00 am   We seek a renewed stirring of life for the earth. We plead that what we are capable of doing is not always what we ought to do. We urge that all people now determine that a wide untrammelled freedom…

The Voice of the Feminine

The New Moon in Cardinal Air conjoined Spica on the 16th of October at 20:31 BST   “Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voice, him or her I shall follow, as the water follows the moon, silently, with fluid steps anywhere around the globe” – Walt Whitman, “Vocalism”   In the beginning was…

The Red Diary

Waxing Retrograde Mars in Cardinal Fire squares Pluto in Cardinal Earth It is all too easy to give into frustration, after all our HIS-tory has been that of the physical expression of the Red One. Within each of us resides eons of muscle memory conditioned to react and fight conqueror and win strive and become…

The Red Diary

Waxing retrograde Cardinal Fire Mars squares Cardinal Earth Pluto The intense pressure burning through you, agitating your soul to act, unreasonably revving things up and enveloping you in an almost breathless embrace, you can feel something shift within you, you can sense that you are on the threshold of something utterly immense, and you can…

The Earth Diary

Mutable Water Ceres octiles Cardinal Earth Pluto Is there sanctuary? Our society is being penetrated by an underground life whose desecrations of our being feel like being violated mentally, a process which instils constant fear and stress. This violation is more than merely mental. It has promoted coldness and heart-numbing cynicism. It has weakened our bodies to…

The Earth Diary

Retrograde Mutable Water Ceres is in waxing octile to Cardinal Earth Pluto Retracing her steps, dumbstruck by the inability to feel into the massive shift in consciousness that is afoot, she walks in contemplation of what more is to be done to get her message out there. Stolen from her mother by a lie and…