The Venus Diary

Such complex beings that we are, unwittingly we often find ourselves entangled in a web of emotional attachments. These attachments, like fragile threads, bind us to experiences, memories, and people, weaving themselves into the very fabric of our being, shaping our thoughts, actions, and desires. But there comes a time when we must summon the…

The Venus Diary

Emotional discernment, the art of understanding and interpreting our feelings when judging others and being in love, is a journey that invites you to look within, to explore the depths of your own heart. When you encounter another soul, it is all too easy to fall into the trap of judgment, allowing our emotions to…

The Venus Diary

How have you been navigating the turbulent waters of the visceral pain body these stormy days? Have you succumbed to seductive whispers of the jailer, enticing you back into your cell where you can sup in safety from a diet of fear and vitriolic indignation? Has apathy won without a fight as you shrug your…

The Red Diary

It is worth remembering that the breakthrough of liberation happens at the very darkest moment of the world when everyone has lost hope and everyone fears planetary destruction and when everyone sees madness all around and criminality, brutality, inhumanity, destruction of the environment and social ‘orders’. In those pre-dawn days, society appears to lose the…

The Purple Diary

Fixed Water Jupiter quincunxes Cardinal Fire Uranus The doors of clarity, insight and perception swing open as insight after insight flood your cellular intelligence, opening you up to infinite possibility, enabling you to see with new eyes and to feel life course through you with renewed vigour. Nothing can stay the same within this space…

The Purple Diary

Fixed Water Jupiter quincunxes Cardinal Fire Uranus The vast changes that are taking place in the world around you merely mirror what has been building for several months within you. Of late, however, it feels as if you cannot contain this restlessness and all is needed is for someone or something to trigger that frustration…

The Gold Diary

Fixed Fire Sun quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto Can you feel it calling within you? A vOice in the distant, carried as an undertone beneath the cacophony of the twittering from those caught up with indignation, wanton gossip, complaints and key board warrior commentary? Can you feel it imploring you to look through the fear of…

The Orange Diary

Retrograde Fixed Fire Mercury quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto Words… don’t come easy… when you have so much processing… going on at so many different levels… simultaneously… you can feel what you want… to say… but… as you go to talk… words don’t seem adequate enough to… truly account for… all that is going on… yet…

The Orange Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury trioctiles Cardinal Earth Saturn and quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto No longer willing to dance to the song of another, too often have you relied on approval or reassurances, you can feel the pull away from those you love as you seek space to breathe, to contemplate, to reassess.  It has been taxing…