The Black and Turquoise Diary

Cardinal Earth Saturn trines Fixed Earth Uranus No longer held in an asphyxiating vice grip, your chest loosened, the blood returning to your blanched face, your mind untwisting from the dizzying circular condemnation, your emotions steadying after washing through you like a tsunami, the air feels fresh, its molecules electric and enlivening, refreshing and revitalising…

The Black and Turquoise Diary

Cardinal Earth Saturn trines Fixed Earth Uranus   Vision without either substance or a framework will never manifest. It will always remain lingering within your mind’s eye, taunting and jeering you, always just out of reach, ever hopeful and never real. It is the recipe for disappointment and disillusionment, bitterness and resentment as you live…

The Silver Diary

Evening Star Cardinal Air Venus squares Cardinal Earth Saturn as the Moon moves through her Balsamic phase During a time when time has slipped; chaos feels normal; broken sleep has made it the world feel dreamlike; doubletalk is acceptable; and exasperation is commonplace, it is easy to forget that the Heart lights the way. Riding…

The Black and Turquoise Diary

The Saturn and Neptune quintile Living your truth and walking your path without compromise and without seeking acknowledgement or recognition is not an easy thing to do when you reside in a world that seeks you to explain why you are the way you are, what you do and to show evidence of what you…

The Orange Diary

The Orange Diary on the 16th July as Mercury continues to talk with Saturn and Pluto   This deeply intense and emotional time has numerous positive possibilities to delve into your mind as you are invited to profoundly explore the darker aspect of personal interaction and communication. As you seek to grow and awaken to…

The Orange Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury trioctiles Cardinal Earth Saturn and quincunxes Cardinal Earth Pluto No longer willing to dance to the song of another, too often have you relied on approval or reassurances, you can feel the pull away from those you love as you seek space to breathe, to contemplate, to reassess.  It has been taxing…

The Venus Diaries

Mutable Earth Venus trines Cardinal Earth Saturn Even as the intensity of this time continues to open you up, heightening your reactions within an unrelenting and eddying tide of emotions, there are moments of calmness and serenity, wherein you can clamber onto an outcrop and feel the solid security of something constant and immovable. From…

The Gold Diary

Sun opposes Saturn It is as if the hand of Fate has stretched out from the gOd’s themselves, as your Light feels as if being tested by a series of external agencies, as everything feels as if it is on slow reel time. Within this ‘slow-mo’ state, a tinge of pride flushes your cheeks as…

The Venus Diaries

The Venus Diaries on the 19th June as Fixed Fire Venus quincunxes Cardinal Earth Saturn There will be times when you will feel from time to time vulnerable, alone and overwhelmed, even if you are surrounded by those you lOve; you will encounter many a trial and tribulation; you may even feel at times lost…