The Venus and Silver Diary

Longing for equanimity of heart and mind from the tumult that ebbed and flowed like a stormy sea, her emotions have been thrown into disarray over the past six months, she has stumbled over uneven ground, the world spinning amidst this swirling chaos. Unable to quieten her heart or clear her mind, she has become…

The Mars Diary

It can be difficult to stand up for the truth, but that’s what makes it so important to do so, particularly when everyone else seems to be on the opposite side. Social pressures, insecurities, and fear keep our mouths shut as injustices occur. Scared of the consequences of speaking out or what people will think,…

Mother’s Day

One of these days your heart will be six feet under and you won’t be able to drop over, check in or pick up the phone. One of these days time will cease and silence will deafen and you will then realise how much you miss the complaints, the concerns and the small things. Ours…

7th Wave

There is no wave, there is only water. You are one with the wave You live within a cosmic sea, ebbing and flowing in concert with the celestial tide. Along these eddies is carried particular micro ripples within the infinite ocean. One such eddy is about to unfold on Monday. The Jupiter – Saturn conjunction…

The Silver Diary

Luna moves into her FULL in Mutable Air (peaking at 9:29 am GMT on the 30th) As Luna moves into a penumbral eclipse in Mutable Air, also known as Gemini, it marks the culmination of a process started back on the 22nd of May, when the Sun and Moon conjoined in the same sign. Mutable…

The Gold Diary

The Vernal Equinox, the 20th March, as the Sun ingresses into Cardinal Fire (Aries) as Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cardinal Earth (Capricorn)   The equinoxes mark two days each year when the entire world experiences a balance of day and night, Yang and Yin, conscious and unconscious processes, offering an opportunity to re-assess the equanimity…

The Silver Diary

As the Moon disappears from our night sky, a space opens up to view the celestial Source more clearly. That our universe is a reflection of us and vice versa, when we gaze into the apparently fathomless beauty of the night sky, we are actually looking deep with our own numinosity. With no light to…

The Solstice Diary

The 22nd December as the Sun Ingresses into Capricorn How much we take for granted as we forge ahead, trying to become, desiring to achieve, hoping to find fulfilment, longing to live more consciously, hungering for something more meaningful, when we are surrounded, in this moment, with all that we need. Our time here is…