The Red Diary

Your physical/ sexual energy is not only a vibrant thread that weaves through your very existence, it is a powerful creative well from which your life force is drawn forth from. Flowing within you, like a powerful river, it seeks an outlet and expression. How you choose to navigate and direct this energy can deeply…

The Venus Diary

There are moments when you must find the courage to release the weight of those who bring you down, even if your heart still holds love for them. To let go of someone close is a sacred act of self-preservation and personal growth, a deep spiritual journey that opens the door to both healing and…

The Venus Diary

Illusions weave themselves effortlessly, wrapping you in their delicate threads, whispering promises of joy and fulfillment. It is ever so easy to embrace these illusions, believing that they hold the key to your happiness and contentment. Yet, like times like these, you realise that these assurances are mere veils, obscuring the truth that lies beneath.…

The Venus Diary

This time is like no other. Away from distraction of the voluminous cacophony and within the tender quietude of your soul, you may find yourself standing at the crossroads of existence, straddling two worlds that intertwine and overlap. One foot grounded in the tangible realm, where the physical and material hold sway, while the other…

The Gold and Venus Diary

15 days… It is a strange light that shines on that space between spaces, where time is suspended and space is meaningless. The pressure that has been building within is released, leaving you tired yet curiously refreshed. More emptied and ready to be filled with … Well that good old Shadow will want to enslave…

The Red Diary

Today’s main celestial alignment weaves a tale of spiritual metamorphosis, urging us to delve deep within ourselves and uncover the hidden realms of our souls, igniting our spiritual essence and calling us to embrace the uncharted territories of our inner landscapes. In the last degree of the regal sign of Cardinal Fire, Leo, Mars roars…

Do or Do not, There is no Try

Another facet of this redistribution of power is the toppling of the well-established pyramidal model of society, perpetuating a futurist, striving, elitist paradigm wherein those on the ‘lower’ levels look up to those on top for governance, inspiration and leadership. That model has been slowly crumbling, accelerating back in 2008, and is in full flow…

The Venus and Silver Diary

Longing for equanimity of heart and mind from the tumult that ebbed and flowed like a stormy sea, her emotions have been thrown into disarray over the past six months, she has stumbled over uneven ground, the world spinning amidst this swirling chaos. Unable to quieten her heart or clear her mind, she has become…

The Mars Diary

It can be difficult to stand up for the truth, but that’s what makes it so important to do so, particularly when everyone else seems to be on the opposite side. Social pressures, insecurities, and fear keep our mouths shut as injustices occur. Scared of the consequences of speaking out or what people will think,…

Mother’s Day

One of these days your heart will be six feet under and you won’t be able to drop over, check in or pick up the phone. One of these days time will cease and silence will deafen and you will then realise how much you miss the complaints, the concerns and the small things. Ours…