The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus slows in preparation for her Quickening Descent 6 and 25 days to go… You may age and gain experience, but that does not mean that you have truly listened to, and heart, the heart-scripts. Awareness is not necessarily a product of age related maturity but more a reflection on the ability and…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus slows in preparation for her Quickening Descent octile the Sun-Neptune midpoint 7 and 26 days to go… As she slows, her heart is becoming increasing reflective, aware that there is not much time left to heal, as her journey nears the end. Echoing through her are the willowy phantasms of lOve past,…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus squares the Fixed Air Saturn/Neptune midpoint 9 and 28 days to go… The heart loves and lOves, longs and lOngs, connects and cOnnects, and this can be confusing for the egO that hungers after a simple love that is kind, present, tangible and comforting yet is perpetually battling to remain open and…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus octiles the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint 19 and 38 days to go… How deep those heart scripts lie; how powerful a fuel they have been, guiding people and circumstances onto your path who have colluded with you to provoke some amazingly terrifying emotional responses, which you have skilfully contained so that no-one is the…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus sextiles Cardinal Earth Saturn as Mutable Earth Mercury opposes Mutable Water Neptune 22 and 41 days to go… Head spinning from the emotional questioning, that ancient reflection of worth and value re-surfacing, the heart battling with non-attachment and non-expectation though the head is giving a good account of itself – what are…

The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus opposes Fixed Earth Uranus 23 and 42 days to go… Intense as the last couple of days may have been, anxiety dancing loudly within your heart, the past standing firm and solid in your clear line of sight, uncertain as to what your heart truly needs, caught as it is between a…

The Venus Diary

Evening Descending Cardinal Air Venus squares Out of Bounds Cardinal Earth Mars during the Balsamic Moon 27 and 48 days to go… How can you heart be anything other than open these days? So many contradictory experiences surrounding, and traveling through, you it is no wonder that your spirit is a little weary, even if…

The Venus Diary

Cardinal Air Venus dances to an 8th Harmony with the Sun-Neptune opposition within the Mutable Earth/ Water matrix 28 and 49 days to go… There she goes, immaculate, serenely dignified, confidently walking her path, her back upright, her chin minutely lifted, her gaze direct, firm but not imposing, her tone, commanding yet gentle. Engaging, wisdom…

The Coral Diary

Cardinal Air Venus squares Cardinal Earth Mars Pounding hard, heart overload as so many options available to you and so many Muggles surrounding you, not truly getting it and you, their dramatic attempts to snare you, offering you a chance to see how far you have come with your healing, as every ounce of your…

The Venus Diary

Cardinal Air Venus sextiles Fixed Fire Leo 32 and 53 days to go… Are you listening? Even when those around you are caught up in their own stuff, chained by the heavy weight of should’s, could’s and ought to’s, projecting their fears and disappointments onto you, are you listening to your heart? I know you…