The New Moon in Fixed Earth on the 8th of May 2024
Beneath her solitary steps echoes linger, her heart seeking solace in the shadowed embrace of empty skies, as sorrow’s silent emissaries threaten to gather like glistening dewdrops in the chartreuse oceans of her soul. Engulfing her in the aphonic pain of absence, Little Spirit drifted purposelessly upon uneven ground, lost in the labyrinth of wandering thoughts. Time blending into seamless eternity, the verdant forest through which she meandered hung like an unseen picture in a forgotten gallery.
Image by Renee on Pinterest
Unexpectedly, a murmur broke through the vacuum of her pathos. Her attention caught, she searched for the source of this inaudible timbre that had sonorously awakening her. She could see no-one, yet she felt something was ‘there’. Strangely, she did not feel threatened by this invisible presence. She continued her walk. Again she heard something move through her. An image of her lying upon the wooded ground flashed before her, beckoning her to pause.
Feeling a wave weariness of her loneliness wash over her, she stopped and following the eidetic image, she lay.
Stillness became her. She listened, attuning herself to the sotto voce of Nature, the touch of her skin on the earth registered the beauty that surrounded her, previously unseen. She heard it again – a deep, yet almost inaudible tone, rising up through her from the land beneath her.
Feeling the cadence move through her, she opened her voice and let out an audible sigh, the pent up emotions finally exhaled. She followed this suspire with a singular note, softly breathed. Her heart moved, opening just a little, she noticed that the silence of Nature was broken.
She heard the melodic whistling of the branches in the wind, the susurration of the leaves, the chirping of the birds, and the barytonos emanating from the land itself. The scent of damp soil, mingled with the fragrance of blossoms in bloom, filled the air, an intoxicating perfume that stirs memories long dormant.
With each inhale, Little Spirit’s lungs expanded, drawing in the essence of life itself. With each melodic exhale, a tantalising harmony reverberated through every nerve ending as the rhythmic intonation synchronised in primal harmony, orchestrating a symphony of arousal echoing in the depths of her soul.
Further open the petals of her heart stretched. Louder her tones pitched, deeper the movement of sound felt through her emanating from the land beneath. Hungry for this continued connection, Little Spirit closed her eyes and felt the sound move through her, stirring her light and animating her spirit.
Time slipped by as the cerulean sky bled to midnight blue, peppered with myriad shimmering lights, their luminous voices weaving melodies across the velvet carpet of the night sky. Each constellation a celestial choir, harmonising in a symphony of twinkling notes, toning through the waters above, cascading upon the constancy of the earth itself.
Image source unknown
Her eye drawn to the effervescence of a cluster of seven lights, she rose and standing Little Spirit, her heart petals in full bloom, she arced her head back, opening up her throat and through her vocalised a singular fortissimo.
Presence awakened
She was not alone.
She was never alone.
She merely forgot.
In the suffuse light of dawn’s rise, Little Spirit found solace, melding seamlessly with the gentle murmurs of the stars and the sonorous timbre of Earth’s polyphonic symphony, becoming one with the orchestra of Nature’s eternal song.
Fixed Earth
Held by the flame of spirit, the soul, open to encounter from the heavens above, freely receiving the light and Nada from the inky waters above, the glyph of Fixed Earth enflames the dream and awakens the spirit to the mystery of life.
Loneliness is a function of a memory washed clean, a reality perceived as disconnected, isolated and separate from each other. Uncle Andrew, in the Chronicles of Narnia, written by CS Lewis, refused to believe that Nature was alive, had a consciousness and could talk from their own inner perspective. The deeper he clung to his denial, the less he heard and the narrower his sight became. In time, all he heard, when Aslan spoke, instead of a clearly enunciated voice, was a growl. Furthermore by the end of the Narnia Chronicles, Nature could not speak to itself, as it too had forgotten to listen.
In reality though, lonesomeness is an illusion, as you are living within a world teeming with life; everything is imbued with both consciousness and awareness. All animate and inanimate matter is alive with character and stories, a reality known to those who live in tune with Nature.
And yet, everything is animated by spirit and enlivened with sound.
To live in communicative exchange and engagement with your immediate environment is to abide in an enchanted state. To be enchanted is to literally mean to be wrapped up in chant or song. Our world is enchanted if it has been called up and its interiority rendered responsive to you by your invocation of it.
In Australian, Native American and Celtic parlance, to sing up, is to awaken the land and to forge a deep connectivity with it.
Art by Lusia Loisa
Sound and light are carried upon waveforms, or along a resonance, and whilst physics differentiates between them, to the spiritual seeker, sound and light are one and the same. Both carry upon their oscillation, knowledge and awareness that washes through you enabling your eyes to hear and your ears to see.
Known to the ancients as the Light of the Heaven, the constellation of Taurus is the region of the sky that opens the eye to the truth that light is stored within every facet of reality. This fact is enshrined within the skeletal framework that constitutes the sign. Made from one of the four building blocks of consciousness – Earth, and one of the directions through which energy is directed – Fixed, Taurus is merely a reminder that the body, the Earth, has an interiority and hold deep subjectival meaning, that can only been encountered by listening to the inaudible tones that spontaneously arises as somatic imagery and a knowingness, which we personify as a Presence.
This Presence is central to our heritage, remembered by those who live in concert with Nature herself. It is a world fully conscious, teeming with awareness, memory, personality, insight, consciousness. It is a world rich with its own interiority. It is a world wherein spirit is imbued within matter. And it is remembered by astrologers as being the world of Taurus.
As humanity has become increasingly disenchanted, this awareness of the deep subjective interconnectivity with the consciousness held within Nature is lost. This has contributed to the illusion of loneliness, an emotion that Little Spirit was awash with.
Taurus is held within you, as one of the twelve pathways of life, known as the zodiac. For those with ANY celestial body located within its earth dominion at the time of birth, this reality is a one pushed more to the foreground of their awareness and therefore more intimately known. However, even if nothing resides in this arena of your being, it exists and it is a pathway into the deeper heritage from which your soul is sheltered.
With Jupiter and Uranus having aligned in Taurus on the 21st of April, subject of my recent webinar (available to purchase and view on my VIMEO channel), our collective awareness is becoming more aware of the damage that we have done to ourselves by living in a sterile environment, away from living food, water and nature, as we live through a time reappraising our relationship to Mother and our isolationism from her.
The New Moon
Art by Saikim Gallery on Etsy
As the Lights aligns in this Inner Sanctum on the 8th of May, tune into Nature by spending time with her. Lie on her, just as Little Spirit did, and open your heart to hearing the inaudible sound move through the rocks and soil, that Nada whose purpose is to open the ‘eye that sees’ to the orchestra that you live within. Open up your voice and let out your tone, and let Nature’s voice harmonise with you, and allow, as Nature sings from above and below, animating your life with her stories, knowledge and insights.
You are not alone, and the silence you enjoy is not quite silence as you know it to be.
Completed on the 3rd of May 2024 at 12:43 pm
All rights reserved Andrew Smith, 2024