The Venus Diary

Fixed Water Venus opposes Fixed Earth Uranus 23 and 42 days to go… Intense as the last couple of days may have been, anxiety dancing loudly within your heart, the past standing firm and solid in your clear line of sight, uncertain as to what your heart truly needs, caught as it is between a…

The Red Diary

Cardinal Earth Mars octiles Mutable Water Neptune You are carrying a masterpiece hidden within you, but may be standing in its way! If you can move aside, it will be revealed! You have carried that masterpiece hidden for many lives, perhaps not knowing who you are, attempting to become someone within your physical life. If…

The Venus Diary

Evening Descending Cardinal Air Venus squares Out of Bounds Cardinal Earth Mars during the Balsamic Moon 27 and 48 days to go… How can you heart be anything other than open these days? So many contradictory experiences surrounding, and traveling through, you it is no wonder that your spirit is a little weary, even if…

The Venus Diary

Cardinal Air Venus dances to an 8th Harmony with the Sun-Neptune opposition within the Mutable Earth/ Water matrix 28 and 49 days to go… There she goes, immaculate, serenely dignified, confidently walking her path, her back upright, her chin minutely lifted, her gaze direct, firm but not imposing, her tone, commanding yet gentle. Engaging, wisdom…

The Coral Diary

Cardinal Air Venus squares Cardinal Earth Mars Pounding hard, heart overload as so many options available to you and so many Muggles surrounding you, not truly getting it and you, their dramatic attempts to snare you, offering you a chance to see how far you have come with your healing, as every ounce of your…

The Venus Diary

Cardinal Air Venus sextiles Fixed Fire Leo 32 and 53 days to go… Are you listening? Even when those around you are caught up in their own stuff, chained by the heavy weight of should’s, could’s and ought to’s, projecting their fears and disappointments onto you, are you listening to your heart? I know you…

The Venus Diary

Descending, but increasing in luminosity, Evening Star Cardinal Air Venus octiles the Mutable Earth Sun 33 and 54 days to go… It’s all about your heart these days – how you are able to maintain its integrity whilst moving through such emotional chaos, as friends and family alike appear to be caught up in the…

The Gold Diary

Mutable Earth Sun trines Cardinal Earth Saturn Are you here? Or have you been time travelling, lost to your past as you seek to make sense of what has been or hungrily creating a vision of how you could be as your focus moves beyond to some future moment in time and space free of…

The Gold Diary

Mutable Earth Sun trines Fixed Earth Uranus   Why not? What have you got to lose? Nothing. Losing is only something that arises from an ego ensconced within the outdated dualistic paradigm. How can you lose when what you do comes from that deep cOre, a place within you that does not think, does not…