The Orange and Venus Diary

Fixed Fire Mercury stations retrograde as Mutable Earth Venus trioctiles Fixed Earth Uranus   During hectic times, when it feels difficult to take time to breathe, your emotional body heightened and feeling pressure cascading through you; your body’s nervous responses agitatedly reacting to all and sundry; and when your sOul is too jaded or preoccupied…

A Note on My Daily Offerings

I have been asked on numerous occasions why the writing that I create does not follow the usual writing that proliferates on the internet and the answer is quite simple. It is deeply astrological, but I consciously choose not to use astro-jargon. Everything that is written about concerns the only explicate astrological notation in the…

The Gold Diary

Fixed Fire Sun squares the Fixed Earth Uranus   Stored deep within our bodies are the memories of what we have lived through – the jOy, the pain, the exhaustion, the elation, the tension, the pleasure, the trauma and the comfort. The act of daily living requires us to get on with it and to…

The Gold Diary

Fixed Fire Sun trioctiles Neptune (still opposing Venus) So even if you stand externally confident and together, even if you have some amazing opportunities for new growth and for your ego’s enticement, it is the development within you that are the key during the coming days, as you are compelled to internally question and search…

The Venus Diaries

Mutable Earth Venus opposes Mutable Water Neptune, as Neptune also prepares to receive a trioctile from the Sun Building over the past couple of days, quietly but steadily, has been the awareness of the quality of your heart; the true nature of your relationship scripts. Caught in the paradoxical dilemma of practising discernment but refraining…

The Gold Diary

The Sun climbs out of the River (Cardinal Water) and into the Inner Light Chamber (Fixed Fire)   Slowing, the River widens and thins, dissipating the current, making navigation so much easier. No longer focusing on keeping her head above the turbulence, the fear of drowning having passed, she can feel a calmness spread through…

The Red Diary

Out of Bounds Retrograde Fixed Air Mars continues to conjoin the Lunar South Node   There is nothing wrong with withdrawing your focus from the world, turning it inwards and exploring the geography of the world within, despite the worried looks from friends who may incorrectly assume that something is wrong, or that you need…

The Red Diary

Out of Bounds Retrograde Fixed Air Mars continues to conjoin the Lunar South Node What a strange phenomenon to try to remain active within the world when your sOul’s chi has turned inwards, away from the busy distractions of a pragmatic world that demands your full attention, your interaction, your untiring energy and your constant…

The Black and Turquoise Diary

The Saturn and Neptune quintile Living your truth and walking your path without compromise and without seeking acknowledgement or recognition is not an easy thing to do when you reside in a world that seeks you to explain why you are the way you are, what you do and to show evidence of what you…