The Pyramid Diary

Grand Water Trine from the Sun to the Jupiter-Neptune Trine Yes, it is and will continue to be emotionally intense. Yes, those ancient scripts, many of which are ancestral, have resurfaced. Yes, it feels chaotic and overwhelming. Yes, it feels profoundly freeing. But no matter where you are on your Path; no matter how dark…

The Red Diary

Mars conjoins the South Node in Fixed Air As the light dims on this descending path, it feels as if you are retracing steps already made. Memories of actions taken, interactions experiences, conversations had, exchanges shared fleet through your mind as you revisit and review what has previously befallen you. Frustration, that silent companion, whispers…

The Gold Diary

Cardinal Water Sun trines the Fixed Water Jupiter It is not always easy to be true to yourself, to stand firm with your conviction and to radiate your true essential being. It is easy to confuse ego with confidence. But they are not the same. Have you ever been in the presence of someone who…

The Red Diary

Retrograde Fixed Air Mars continues to conjoin the Lunar South Node Ancient scripts surfacing, irritating your ego as once again you tread gingerly over ground already covered. I thought I’d learnt; I thought I had healed; I thought I’d moved on; I thought I’d grown, are noisy voices that echo loudly, drowning out the reality…

The In-Between Diary

Cardinal Fire Chiron quintiles Cardinal Earth Pluto It’s a funny old place, this Earth plane. It feels solid, and yet… It feels like the laws of physics operate, and yet… It feels as if you have to toil and labour, and yet… It feels like you are alone, and yet… If feels as if only…

The Gold Diary

Sun opposes Saturn It is as if the hand of Fate has stretched out from the gOd’s themselves, as your Light feels as if being tested by a series of external agencies, as everything feels as if it is on slow reel time. Within this ‘slow-mo’ state, a tinge of pride flushes your cheeks as…

The Venus Diaries

Fixed Fire Venus squares Fixed Water Jupiter Flowers never push themselves to grow in a certain look, yet their existence already radiates beauty. Dandelions never envy the rose, or a grass tries to be a tree. Nature is diverse and unique. You are you, with your uniqueness. Don’t be afraid to compose your own tune…

The gOld and Orange Diary

The 23rd June as Cardinal Water Sun sextiles Fixed Earth Uranus and Cardinal Water Mercury opposes Cardinal Earth Pluto  Swirling, spiralling, gyrating, splaying, the energetics may feel heightened, the earth loosening in its wake, the earth trembling beneath the tornado, but in its wake, clarity is found – clarity that has always been there, just…

The Venus Diaries

The Venus Diaries on the 22nd June 2018 as Venus and Mars oppose She has longed to hear Him talk; he has longed to see Her dance. She has longed to understand the depth of his inner world, what makes him tick, what he has withheld from the world, what he truly thinks about; he…